diff --git a/home/.Brewfile b/home/.Brewfile index ab0108f..48c2a31 100644 --- a/home/.Brewfile +++ b/home/.Brewfile @@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ tap 'jawshooah/pyenv' tap 'nodenv/nodenv' cask 'java' # brews +brew 'autojump' brew 'composer' brew 'dnsmasq' brew 'docker-cloud' -brew 'drush' brew 'elixir' brew 'gist' brew 'git' @@ -84,5 +84,5 @@ mas 'Pages', id: 409201541 mas 'Pocket', id: 568494494 mas 'Simplify', id: 448003584 mas 'Todoist', id: 585829637 -mas 'Twitter', id: 409789998 +mas 'Tweetbot', id: 557168941 mas 'Xcode', id: 497799835 diff --git a/home/.zshrc b/home/.zshrc index 643859d..543e6fb 100644 --- a/home/.zshrc +++ b/home/.zshrc @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ export ZSH_CUSTOM=$HOME/.zsh/custom # Which plugins would you like to load? (plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*) # Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate ruby lighthouse) -plugins=(extract command-not-found tmux tmuxinator git github git-flow ssh-agent golang vagrant knife docker docker-compose mix mix-fast) +plugins=(autojump extract command-not-found tmux tmuxinator git github git-flow ssh-agent golang vagrant knife docker docker-compose mix mix-fast) # ruby plugins=($plugins ruby gem rbenv rails bundler heroku)