class BeerSong def self.recite(bottle_count, times_left) lyrics = "" while times_left > 0 lyrics += "#{number_of_bottles(bottle_count).capitalize} of beer on the wall, #{number_of_bottles(bottle_count)} of beer.\n" lyrics += number_to_take(bottle_count) if bottle_count == 0 bottle_count = 99 else bottle_count -= 1 end lyrics += ", #{number_of_bottles(bottle_count)} of beer on the wall.\n" times_left -= 1 lyrics += "\n" unless times_left == 0 end lyrics end def self.number_of_bottles(count) if count > 1 "#{count} bottles" elsif count == 1 "1 bottle" else "no more bottles" end end def self.number_to_take(count) if count == 0 "Go to the store and buy some more" elsif count == 1 "Take it down and pass it around" else "Take one down and pass it around" end end end