diff --git a/_posts/2003-12-17-centralized-rss.md b/_posts/2003-12-17-centralized-rss.md
index 52e0a40..27926c9 100644
--- a/_posts/2003-12-17-centralized-rss.md
+++ b/_posts/2003-12-17-centralized-rss.md
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ tags:
- geek
alex king has a really good idea on his blog about having an API for centralized rss feed subscriptions, etc. including tracking which articles have been read. i, for one, think this is a great idea. since i tend to move back and forth between computers (and operating systems), i've taken to doing most of my RSS reading with NetNewsWire on my powerbook.
-this solution, however, would allow me to use straw more. which means i might be inclined to hack on it. hopefully this idea doesn't go the way of the dodo, and alex and feedster can work out a solution.
+this solution, however, would allow me to use straw more. which means i might be inclined to hack on it. hopefully this idea doesn't go the way of the dodo, and alex and feedster can work out a solution.