layout: post
title: Drupal Theme Workshop in Toronto
created: 1226439888
permalink: blog/walkah/drupal-theme-workshop-toronto/
- drupal
- toronto
- workshop
I'm excited to announce that members of the [Toronto Drupal User Group](http://groups.drupal.org/) have put together an exciting one day, free workshop on [Drupal](http://drupal.org/) theming.

I will be there to present in the afternoon. Please come out and say "hi". Also, [Lullabot](http://www.lullabot.com/) will be sponsoring lunch (thanks guys!).

It seems like Toronto has gone Drupal crazy lately. I am *loving* all the local events!

The event takes place starting at 10am on **November 22nd, 2008** at the [Centre for Social Innovation](http://socialinnovation.ca). Be sure to check [the website](http://themeworkshop.avatarinteractive.ca/) for full details. See you there!