layout: post
title: I'm an evangelist?
created: 1177541205
permalink: blog/walkah/im-evangelist/
- drupal
- democamp
- democamptoronto
- openid
- evangelism
<p>I had a great time with my <a href="http://openid.net/">OpenID</a> demo last night at <a href="http://barcamp.org/DemoCampToronto13">DemoCampToronto13</a>. Thanks to all who attended and for the good feedback I've received so far!</p>
<p>As I was recalling some of the conversations I found myself in last night, though, I realized - at some point I became a tech evangelist. The one conversation that stuck out in my mind where I was asked "So, is this sort of evangelism what you do for a living?" To which I responded, "Ha! No!" I mean, I'm a developer, right? I write code.. or, at least, isn't that what I'm supposed to be doing?</p>
<p>It certainly hasn't been conscious (although, perhaps I should pretend that it has), but if I look at some of the <a href="http://drupal.org/">Drupal</a> presentations I've given, things like <a href="http://drupalcamptoronto.org/">DrupalCampToronto</a> and the <a href="http://groups.drupal.org/toronto">Toronto user group</a>, plus some of the OpenID talks I've done lately... it might just be true. Heck, I even <em>like</em> doing it!</p>
<p>walkah, tech evangelist : coming to a conference/camp/etc near you.</p>