layout: post
title: Ontario Linux Fest, DUG-TO and Lullabot in Toronto
created: 1191902809
permalink: blog/walkah/ontario-linux-fest-dug-and-lullabot-toronto
- drupal
- toronto
- lullabot
- ontariolinux
- olf
<p>This is gonna be a fun week! Starting on Wednesday afternoon, most of <a href="http://www.lullabot.com/about/team">team lullabot</a> will be coming to town for some work and hopefully a bit of fun.</p>
<p>If you missed the announcement, we're going to start things off on Thursday with the <a href="http://groups.drupal.org/node/6417">Toronto Drupal User Group meetup</a> - for regulars, please remember we're at <strong>215 Spadina (4th floor)</strong> this month and on <strong>Thursday</strong> (not Tuesday).</p>
<p>Friday night through Saturday night we'll be taking part in the <a href="http://onlinux.ca/">Ontario Linux Fest</a>. We've sponsored a <a href="http://onlinux.ca/welcomeparty">welcome party</a> on Friday night (and, yes, the location is so secret I don't even know where!). <a href="http://www.lullabot.com/about/angiebyron">Angie</a> is speaking Saturday morning and we'll be hanging out, probably in the Drupal BoF room (check the <a href="http://onlinux.ca/schedule">schedule</a>). There's still space, so <a href="http://onlinux.ca/olfreg">register now</a>!</p>
<p>Come on out and say "hi"!</p>