layout: post
title: "In #2010..."
created: 1262397052
permalink: blog/walkah/2010
- life
- new year
- resolutions
It's that time of year - for reflecting and resolving - and, naturally... blogging about it.

2009 was not awesome. Not a terribly awful year, nor my worst ever. It was, however, a year full of challenges - all of which have been opportunities for growth. 2009, though, [got off to a rough start](http://twitter.com/walkah/status/1098018094) and didn't end much better. As much as I've grown, I'm definitely looking forward to moving forward.

I don't know if I have resolutions this year, per se. I do have two words that have been on my mind a *lot* lately:

**CREATE** I am eager and excited to do more, to *make* more. I would like to write more, build more tech and (dare I say it?) write some music. I want to look back next year when doing this blog post and be able to see all the things I've created - good and bad. I'd like to have fewer ideas left swimming in my head otherwise untouched.

**OPEN** I've long been an advocate, user and developer of open source software. In part, it's a renewed passion for free and open technologies. Beyond that, however, continuing to move towards openness in my life, my heart and in my relationships.

2010 promises to be another year of great change for me. Lots of which is already underway (more on that soon). 

Here's hoping you and that you stick to your resolutions and reach your goals and have an awesome year!