layout: post
title: google local ... now via SMS!
created: 1097258607
permalink: blog/walkah/google-local-now-via-sms/
- geek
<p>so, google continues to add features... and sometimes they're really useful! you may or may not have heard about <a href="http://local.google.com/">google local</a> - which is a neat tool (even though the <a href="http://local.google.ca/">canadian equivalent</a> suffers from some pretty spotty data). but, they've now made it just a bit more useful... you can now query google local via SMS (like, from your phone). I think <a href="http://www.zacker.org/">zacker</a> summed it up the best:
13:55 &lt; Zacker&gt; holy crap
13:55 &lt; Zacker&gt; http://www.google.com/sms/howtouse.html#business
13:56 &lt; walkah&gt; ya. that's the rock.
13:56 &lt; Zacker&gt; that is going to change my life
<p><b>UPDATE:</b> argh. i just tried from my phone (which is on rogers) and it failed to send, because the 46645 (GOOGL) shortcode is for US only apparently.  :(</p>