layout: post
title: drupal at sxsw
created: 1218822693
permalink: blog/walkah/drupal-sxsw
- drupal
- sxsw
<p><img src="http://walkah.net/sites/walkah.net/files/sxsw2009ia.gif" alt="SXSW Interactive" />I'm certainly not <a href="http://www.palantir.net/blog/vote-drupal-sxsw">the first</a> <a href="http://raincitystudios.com/blogs-and-pods/daveo/sxsw-interactive-panel-picker-open-vote-now">to post</a> about this, but it looks like Drupal will have a strong showing at <a href="http://sxsw.com/interactive">SXSW Interactive 2009</a>. There's even a <a href="http://drupal.org/node/294523">front page post</a> on drupal.org to bring awareness. A group of us from <a href="http://www.lullabot.com/">Lullabot</a> went last year and we had an absolute blast. If you haven't been, sign up now!</p>
<p>The <a href="http://panelpicker.sxsw.com/">panel picker</a> is live and I suggest you *all* vote for <a href="http://panelpicker.sxsw.com/ideas/view/1726">Drupal with Its Pants Off</a> (you know you wanna). What's really exciting, though, is the long list of <a href="http://panelpicker.sxsw.com/ideas/index/3/q:drupal">other Drupal panels</a> on the list.</p>
<p>Looks like there'll be lots of Drupal in Austin next March... even http://sxsw.com/ is Drupal powered!</p>
<p>My hotel is booked. See you there!</p>