--- layout: post title: Drupal for 2007 created: 1167784881 permalink: blog/walkah/drupal-2007/ tags: - drupal - jabber - openid - "2007" --- <p>Every year about this time the Drupal community posts <a href="http://drupal.org/node/105423">predictions</a> for the year ahead. I started a list of things I think will happen, but quickly realized it was really just a personal battle plan. Here's what I plan to blow up (apologies in advance):</p> <ul> <li>Full <a href="http://openid.net/">OpenID 2.0</a> support in Drupal. I've been loosely working with Rowan Kerr on this over in Bryght's <a href="https://svn.bryght.com/dev">dev repository</a>. I'd like, ultimately, to see this in core for Drupal 6 and plan to help make sure that Drupal an important tool in the "Identity 2.0" world.</li> <li>Increased work on <a href="http://jabber.org/">Jabber</a> integration for Drupal as well as helping to grow the ties between the Drupal and Jabber communities. Boris and I have been lending Peter a hand with the <a href="http://xmpp.net/">xmpp.net</a> site, Boris is on the JSF - things have started. I'd like to help that grow this year.</li> <li>Get revamped file handling code in core. Darrell has done some great work with fileapi so far. But, aside from sharing ideas, etc. I've not been as involved on this push as I'd wanted. Let's aim for Drupal 6.</li> <li>Abstracted XML parsing / generation. I've mumbled about an 'xml.inc' for a while for core. Code is gold. Time to get this done.</li> <li>Help organize and grow the <a href="http://groups.drupal.org/toronto">Toronto user group</a>. We're already discussing DrupalCampToronto 2.0...</li> </ul> <p>There's of course a million other issues, bug fixes, smaller features, speaking engagements, training sessions, etc i've got planned for 2007, but that's a pretty good list for now. All in a day's work for drupal-world-domination.com. Go team :)</p>