--- layout: post title: endo from ado created: 1142585529 permalink: blog/walkah/endo-ado tags: - mac os x - endo - aggregator ---

well, i've been meaning to blog this for a while. but, adriaan quietly released endo recently. while, yes, it's yet another rss feed reader, it's dmy first impression was: different.

however, here I am 10 days and 7 point releases later, and I have to say, I now have a netnewswire license that's not getting a whole heck of a lot of use. in general, I'm a big fan of adriaan's work (this post brought to you by ecto of course). he always manages to cram in one or two features ahead of everyone else, and has always been incredibly responsive to bug reports and feature requests.

some of my favourite endo features include:

now, i have to admit, the workflow is slightly different - if you're used to the "mail" style reading of a NNW... and there are a couple things I'm not crazy about in the default endo installation... although lots of things have been fixed or changed already (in a mere 10 days!). However, here are a few small tips that made endo my new feed reader:

go now. give it a whirl.