layout: post
title: i'm a mike doughty fan boy
created: 1113521048
permalink: blog/walkah/im-mike-doughty-fan-boy
- music
- doughty
... and proud of it.
it's recently come to my attention that i have a bit of an addiction. i'm seriously hooked on the tunes, writings, ramblings, etc of <a href="http://www.mikedoughty.com/blog/" title="mike doughty">mike doughty</a>. if you don't know - he's the dude that used to front <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soul_Coughing" title="Soul Coughing">soul coughing</a>. not since my early obsession with <a href="http://rush.com/" title="Rush - the band (i love neil peart)">rush</a> have i done things like this, but lately i've:
<li>read every single post on his <a href="http://www.mikedoughty.com/blog/">blog</a></li>
<li>saw him at <a href="http://www.leespalace.com/">lee's palace</a> in toronto - bought an autographed copy of rockitty-roll (his solo EP).</li>
<li>pre-ordered a copy of his re-release of <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0006FO8SO/walkah-20">"Skittish/Rockity Roll"</a> - with a tshirt</li>
<li>pre-ordered of his first "official" solo album <a href="http://stores.musictoday.com/store/dept.asp?dept_id=3709&band_id=828" id="3709&band_id=828">haughty melodic</a></li>
<li>ordered tickets to see him play the <a href="http://rivoli.ca/">rivoli</a> in Toronto in May.</li>
<li>not to mention, i'm in the top 20 for "<a href="http://www.audioscrobbler.com/music/Mike+Doughty">mike doughty fans</a>" over at <a href="http://www.audioscrobbler.com/">audioscrobbler</a> (he's my #2 on my top artists list).</li>
<a href="http://walkah.net/files/IMG_0017_1.JPG" onclick="window.open('http://walkah.net/files/IMG_0017_1.JPG','popup','width=2048,height=1536,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=yes,left=0,top=0');return false"><img src="http://walkah.net/files/IMG_0017_1-tm.jpg" height="100" width="133" border="1" hspace="4" vspace="4" alt="bustin up a starbux" title="bustin up a starbux" class="right" /></a>yep. it scares me too. but the worst part, is when i was <a href="http://walkah.net/node/142">in paris</a> recently, my brother and i walked by a starbux that had it's front window smashed and the *first* thing i thought was "bustin' up a starbux". but, wait... it gets worse. i actually took this picture and emailed him!! worse, though... i never got a response :( though, i can't blame him. i wouldn't respond to me either.
i'm not totally sure what's gotten into me. perhaps it's too much time alone in the basement. but mike - if you're reading (and I'm *sure* you are) - I'll see you in May and keep on rockin'.