--- layout: post title: php quebec conference recap created: 1112373860 permalink: blog/walkah/php-quebec-conference-recap/ tags: - geek - drupal ---

i'm back home and rested now after PHP Quebec - where I did a presentation on drupal's distributed authentication and sxip. i have to admit, i'm still pretty new to the whole conference going / speaking scene - but the time (while short and fast) was enjoyable - thanks to the php quebec organizers for a good show.

a couple personal highlights :

the one thing i did realize, though, is that despite having used PHP for development since 1997 (is that really 8 years ago?!?!), i've never gotten involved in the PHP community at large. i think that's something i'd like to change - time permitting of course. but there are some pretty cool things going on in the community and some pretty cool folks behind it. hopefully they'll have me back :)