--- layout: post title: "DrupalCon: OpenID slides and recap" created: 1205344402 permalink: blog/walkah/drupalcon-openid-slides-and-recap tags: - drupal - conference - openid - drupalcon - drupalconboston2008 --- <p>With almost a week gone by since I left Boston, it's high time to do a quick recap of <a href="http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/">DrupalCon Boston 2008</a>. Despite spending most of the week battling a nasty stomach flu, making two trips to the Apple Store in Cambridge, and being without my laptop (which suffered a failed keyboard and trackpad), I had a great time and want to offer my congrats to the organizing team for a solid event!</p> <p>Although I took part in 6 sessions, I only presented one of them on my own: <a href="http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/session/openid-and-identity-drupal-future-usermodule">OpenID and Identity in Drupal</a>. I was pleased with how the session went - packed room with lots of great feedback and discussion. For those interested, check out the <a href="http://www.slideshare.net/walkah/openid-drupalcon-2008/">slides on slideshare</a>.</p> <p>Otherwise, it was really great to see all the old faces and meet some new ones. For anyone who missed it, the <a href="http://buytaert.net/acquia-launch-party-at-felt">Acquia party</a> was a blast (<a href="http://orbitband.com/">Orbit</a> rocks!). Looking forward to the next!</p>