layout: post
title: PHUG Free Drupal Workshop!
created: 1207104057
permalink: blog/walkah/phug-free-drupal-workshop
- drupal
- php
- toronto
- phug
<p><a href="http://phug.ca/index.php/drupal-basics/"><img src="http://walkah.net/sites/walkah.net/files/phug-workshops.png" alt="PHUG + RMI Drupal Workshop" /></a>I know it's late notice, but I'll be hosting a free workshop tomorrow night, <strong>April 2nd at 7pm</strong> as part of the <a href="http://phug.ca/index.php/rmi/">PHUG + RMI</a> free workshops.</p>
<p>For those of you here in Toronto that are unaware, <a href="http://phug.ca/">PHUG</a> is the new local PHP User Group. They have a lot of momentum and are an exciting group - I look forward to more collaboration in the future betweeh PHUG and <a href="http://groups.drupal.org/toronto">DUG-TO</a>.</p>
<p>The workshop will be <a href="http://phug.ca/index.php/drupal-basics/">Drupal Basics</a> - a crash course in everyone's favourite CMS. We'll look at the core Drupal concepts, how building sites in Drupal works, and some basic theming tricks.</p>
<p>It's a free event, but space is limited so please <a href="http://phug.ca/workshops/register_form.php">register</a>. Looking forward to meeting some new faces!</p>
<p><strong>UPDATE:</strong> P.S. this isn't an April Fool's joke ;)</p>