layout: post
title: flock of cardinals
created: 1150611758
permalink: blog/walkah/flock-cardinals/
- drupal
- flock
- browser
<p>the good folks at <a href="http://www.flock.com/" title="flock">flock</a> recently released the latest installment of the "web browser for (me) and (my) friends" - v0.7 a.k.a. "cardinal" a.k.a. "beta 1". now, i'm a long time "flockstar" (i even <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/76323119@N00/153395772" title="walkah flockstar">have the tshirt</a> - but, if i'm being honest, this is the first release that i have actually been able (and wanted) to use as my default browser.</p>

<p>i was in san francisco recently for a few days, and the irrepressible <a href="http://www.willpate.org/" title="Will Pate">will pate</a> told me (shortly after <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/49503045963@N01/158358659" title="willpate, walkah and sarahfelicity">this picture</a> was taken) that i would be impressed with the next release (which was imminent at the time). he was right.</p>

<p>flock's ui feels more polished than i remember from any previous release. sure there are new icons, but thinks seem to be making more sense - falling into place. the <a href="http://del.icio.us/">del.icio.us</a> integration actually works - and works well (including fixing a long time peeve of mine: the ability to *not* share some bookmarks). probably the most impressive new piece is the vastly improved <a href="http://flickr.com/">flickr</a> integration. i think flock's flickr topbar might actually be my favourite way to browse flickr now. and, is it me or does flock actually feel faster than <a href="http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/">firefox</a> on os x? </p>

<p>i don't use flock's built in news reader, so i can't comment on that... but my one main gripe is still the blog editing tool. it has never supported categories, and seems to no longer even support tags. these are pretty basic features that i use (when i blog). I also no longer see a way to look at & edit old posts. so... it's <a href="http://ecto.kung-foo.tv/">ecto</a> for me still on that front.</p>

<p>but if you're one of the web two point oh crowd (or wanna be) and use flickr, del.icio.us, etc... well you might wanna give this latest release a shot.</p>

<p>(oh, and yeah they relaunched their site using <a href="http://drupal.org/">drupal</a>, naturally)