--- layout: post title: spontaneity created: 1124180673 permalink: blog/walkah/spontaneity/ tags: - family --- <p> do you know where walkah is right now? chances are you probably don't that's 'cause late last week, Sandi and I decided to head back to my mom's place in <a href="http://www.rockportusa.com/">rockport, MA</a>. why? well, kinda just 'cause we can. we were without obligations for the week at home, and feeling like we hadn't quite gotten enough R&R. So we boarded mango (oh yeah, did i mention we have a puppy?) and hopped in the car on Sunday. </p><p> spontaneous? well, not so much i guess. we spent a couple days preparing and arranging. i think mostly it's a testament to how bad we've been at "just doing stuff" as a family, but this is as close as we've gotten in a lot of years - something we need to change. </p><p> the more interesting part is that - without my explicitly saying anything - none of my co-workers / clients / etc. have any way to tell. i'm still in the same time zone, and i have a reliable internet connection. add in my powerbook and cell phone - and my office location is really irrelevant. </p><p> the coolest part? this office has windows and is a 3 minute walk to the beach :) </p>