layout: post
title: Skype with Quicksilver trick
created: 1211245166
permalink: blog/walkah/skype-with-quicksilver-trick/
- mac os x
- skype
- quicksilver
- tricks
<p>I spend a fair bit of time talking on <a href="http://www.skype.com/">Skype</a> (whether I like it or not). I am also a big fan and heavy user of <a href="http://blacktree.com/?quicksilver">quicksilver</a> (the ultimate launcher and more for mac os x). Now, I generally keep skype contact list hidden to keep my desktop clean - and was thinking "Gee, it'd be great if skype was integrated with Quicksilver". But.. it's not... directly</p>
<p>However, I found <a href="http://www.slackermanager.com/2006/05/skype-tricks-with-quicksilver.html">this tip</a> and can now initiate skype-to-skype calls directly from quicksilver:</p>
<p class="clear-block"><img src="http://walkah.net/sites/walkah.net/files/skype-quicksilver.png" alt="skype + quicksilver" /></p>
<p>Here's what I did:</p>
<li>In quicksilver's preferences - I enabled the "Services Menu Module" plug-in</li>
<li>In Address Book, I added a 'custom' phone field with the label 'skype' where I can keep skype contact names (It would be really awesome if Skype did this for me...</li>
<li>Now, I can do the following: invoke quicksilver, type a contact's name, hit '/', find their skype name (down arrow), hit tab, type 'sk' (to get the 'Skype/Call' action) and hit Enter. Skype will then make the call to that user.</li>
<p>Ok... so typing quicksilver commands doesn't *look* pretty... but it's one less thing I need to switch my right hand to the mouse for, and I like that. :-)</p>
<p><em>(I should probably post more tricks like this)</em></p>