layout: post
title: SOPA and the Long Haul
  - sopa
  - pipa
  - copyright

Today marked one of the Internet's broadest, most visible protests. Several large internet properties, including Google, Wikipedia, Reddit, and Mozilla, participated in a "blackout" in an effort to raise awareness of (and put a stop to) two bills currently before the US Congress: [SOPA](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_Online_Piracy_Act) and [PIPA](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PROTECT_IP_Act). Chances are good that this isn't news to you.

If for some reason you don't know, here's a (technical, but) [good explanation](http://blog.reddit.com/2012/01/technical-examination-of-sopa-and.html) of what can go wrong with these bills. 

As I watched the events of the day unfold, I was grateful for the new awareness, had a chuckle at those who [don't get it](https://twitter.com/#!/herpderpedia), and of course enjoyed the irony of [copyright violations by PIPA supporters](http://www.vice.com/read/pipa-supporters-copyright-violations). However, I was left feeling uneasy. SOPA and PIPA aren't new problems - they are merely the latest efforts in an ongoing battle. I was pleased to see [this article](http://www.readwriteweb.com/enterprise/2012/01/what-i-wish-wikipedia-and-othe.php) in Read Write Web which spoke to what I was feeling:

> Sure, call your representative and senators today. Protest SOPA and PIPA. But beyond that, keep paying attention to what your elected officials are doing. Spend a little more time paying attention to your government, even if it means spending a little less time on entertainment activities.

If you want a quick overview of the broader context, this [TED Talk](http://www.ted.com/talks/defend_our_freedom_to_share_or_why_sopa_is_a_bad_idea.html) by [Clay Shirky](http://www.shirky.com/) is a fantastic quick overview.

This is a long, ongoing battle between last century's media money and the Internet. It's neither new nor is it going away.

[#StopSOPA](http://americancensorship.org/) - but don't stop there.