--- layout: post title: the tools i use created: 1235971636 permalink: blog/walkah/tools-i-use/ tags: - geek - mac os x - gtd - tools --- I spend a lot of time routinely tweaking various tools and configurations on my desktop environment. Frankly, I think those of us who spend our days in front of a computer owe it to ourselves to make it a pleasant experience. I tend to write about various tricks here, but feeling inspired by [merlin's desktop tour](http://www.vimeo.com/2831715), I may try to do so more regularly. Here's a quick rundown of the apps I've added lately: * [1Password](http://agilewebsolutions.com/products/1Password) has had the most impact in terms of daily use. Fix your password habits. Seriously. * To stay focused, I've been using using a combination of [SpritedAway](http://drikin.com/spiritedaway/) and [Isolator](http://willmore.eu/software/isolator/) - the former hides apps I'm not currently using, while the latter let's me focus on a single app (usually writing a document). * I've been keeping an eye on noisy fans and run-away processes with [iStat menus](http://www.islayer.com/apps/istatmenus/) (hat tip: @jjeff). * Mail is probably my biggest area of tinkering... I'll try to write up my current setup in more detail, but [MailActOn 2](http://www.indev.ca/MailActOn.html) and [DockStar](http://www.ecamm.com/mac/dockstar/) are working well for me. Probably my biggest change recently, is to switch back to much heavier use of emacs... more on *that* later ;-) How about you? What are you using to make your (computer) life a little bit better?