layout: post
title: weekend fun
created: 1098061141
permalink: blog/walkah/weekend-fun
- family
been a while since i did a "family" update (in fact, i still have yet to develop any real blogging rhythm). the short story is, we're all doing pretty darn well - and this weekend was full of just good ol' family fun.
on saturday, andrew's hockey game was at a reasonable hour (8am) which helped start things off right. while i don't have any fancy stats to report, i can say that andrew easily played his best game of this season (which is already a month old!). it's amazing just how far his skating has come over the last year.
after the game, we came back for a yummy brunch and then headed out to <a href="http://brooksfarms.com/">brooks farms</a> to get our pumpkins. i must say, if you're in the area, it's a great place to take kids. there's a ton of fun stuff, and it's pretty cheap (compared to lots of kid-friendly activities). andrew and i went there 2 years ago (just after camryn was born) and had promised each other we'd go back (though, i can't remember now why we didn't go last year). the only problem was the weather - it went from sunny and mild to cold and windy to pouring rain (even with a bit of hail). 
today was a quiet-in-your-joggers-eat-some-beef-stew kind of day. mmmm. beef stew.
as usual, i have no pictures. but sandi took some... which one day she'll get developed and then one much later day i'll even probably upload some. (those who'd like to see them sooner should get on my get-sandi-into-digital-photography bandwagon).