layout: post
title: congrats to toronto's finest!
created: 1161915749
permalink: blog/walkah/congrats-torontos-finest
- toronto
- wirelesstoronto
- barcamp
- barcamptoronto
<p>In their issue released today, <a href="http://www.nowtoronto.com/">now magazine</a> honoured two projects in the city that i've enjoyed being (albeit a small) part of in their <a href="http://www.nowtoronto.com/issues/2006-10-26/goods_next.php">best of toronto: tech</a> section.</p>
<p><a href="http://barcamp.org/TorCamp">BarcampToronto</a> (and the related events such as <a href="http://barcamp.org/DemoCamp">DemoCamp</a> won for "best do-it-yourself conference".</p>
<p><a href="http://wirelesstoronto.ca/">Wireless toronto</a> won "Best WiFi spot" for their location at Yonge and Dundas square.</p>
<p>Congrats to all the people involved in both groups, thanks for making toronto just a little bit cooler :)</p>