--- layout: post title: DemoCampToronto16 created: 1196808940 permalink: blog/walkah/democamptoronto16 tags: - toronto - democamptoronto - torcamp - democamptoronto16 ---
I finally made it out to another DemoCampToronto last night (my first since presenting back at DemoCampToronto13) and my first at the Toronto Board of Trade. I have to say, I'm continually amazed at how these events have continued to grow. Major congrats to the "stewards" (c'mon, guys, you're the organizers ... really) : David, Jay, Joey, Leila and Greg.
That said, the character of the event sure has changed... grown up? Sold out? Not sure. They're certainly *big*. There's lots of time spent on the sponsors (who's generosity I don't mean to belittle). There's little time for questions to the demo'ers. Few of the new people stuck around for drinks after the event and there were people in suits!?! Maybe I'm crazy, but perhaps the disruptive, un-conference events need to get disrupted?
There were some interesting demos/talks last night. My highlights were:
I will say, it was great to see everyone and it was really nice to not have to drive home afterwards ;) See y'all again in January (I hope).