layout: post
title: OpenID 2.0 and Attribute Exchange 1.0
created: 1196958424
permalink: blog/walkah/openid-20-and-attribute-exchange-10
- drupal
- openid
- identity20
- ax
<p>At last! Good news last night from the <a href="http://iiw.windley.com/wiki/Workshop_2007b">Internet Identity Workshop</a> in California: <a href="http://openid.net/2007/12/05/openid-2_0-final-ly/">OpenID 2.0</a> is finally final! I agree with <a href="http://simonwillison.net/2007/Dec/5/openid/">Simon</a> that the most interesting new thing in 2.0 is likely directed identity. And, yes, <a href="http://walkah.net/blog/walkah/drupal-6-and-openid">Drupal 6 already supports it</a>.</p>
<p>However, one of the more interesting things (I think) is the final release of <a href="http://openid.net/specs/openid-attribute-exchange-1_0.html">Attribute Exchange 1.0</a>. I think attribute exchange (think profile data sharing and updating - and digitally signed assertions) represents the killer next step in online identity. Kudos to everyone involved! Time to get crackin' on some code :)</p>