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2021-09-17 18:12:01 -04:00
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe)
import Test.Hspec.Runner (configFastFail, defaultConfig, hspecWith)
import DNA (toRNA)
main :: IO ()
main = hspecWith defaultConfig {configFastFail = True} specs
specs :: Spec
specs = describe "toRNA" $ for_ cases test
test Case{..} = it description $ toRNA dna `shouldBe` expected
data Case = Case { description :: String
, dna :: String
, expected :: Either Char String
cases :: [Case]
cases = [ Case { description = "Empty RNA sequence"
, dna = ""
, expected = Right ""
, Case { description = "RNA complement of cytosine is guanine"
, dna = "C"
, expected = Right "G"
, Case { description = "RNA complement of guanine is cytosine"
, dna = "G"
, expected = Right "C"
, Case { description = "RNA complement of thymine is adenine"
, dna = "T"
, expected = Right "A"
, Case { description = "RNA complement of adenine is uracil"
, dna = "A"
, expected = Right "U"
, Case { description = "RNA complement"
, expected = Right "UGCACCAGAAUU"
, Case { description = "correctly handles invalid input (RNA instead of DNA)"
, dna = "U"
, expected = Left 'U'
, Case { description = "correctly handles completely invalid DNA input"
, dna = "XXX"
, expected = Left 'X'
, Case { description = "correctly handles partially invalid DNA input"
, expected = Left 'X'
-- b02fedbb302892cb17dfa608df335b530ae2bc92