Convert a phrase to its acronym.
Techies love their TLA (Three Letter Acronyms)!
Help generate some jargon by writing a program that converts a long name like Portable Network Graphics to its acronym (PNG).
For installation and learning resources, refer to the exercism help page.
For running the tests provided, you will need the Minitest gem. Open a terminal window and run the following command to install minitest:
gem install minitest
If you would like color output, you can require 'minitest/pride'
the test file, or note the alternative instruction, below, for running
the test file.
Run the tests from the exercise directory using the following command:
ruby acronym_test.rb
To include color from the command line:
ruby -r minitest/pride acronym_test.rb
Julien Vanier
Submitting Incomplete Solutions
It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise.