<p><ahref="http://www.amazon.com/250GB-G-Drive-Mini-FW400-USB/dp/B0013BED5S/walkah-20"><imgsrc="http://walkah.net/sites/walkah.net/files/g-drive-mini.jpg"alt="G-Drive mini"/></a>As someone who spends a fair bit of time on the road, I've become increasingly paranoid about my backup strategy as well as my general "travel kit". To address both, I made a purchase recently that I'm so in love with I just had to blog it:
<p>The <ahref="http://www.amazon.com/250GB-G-Drive-Mini-FW400-USB/dp/B0013BED5S/walkah-20">G-Drive Mini</a> from <ahref="http://www.g-technology.com/">G-Tech</a> is an awesome little portable hard-drive. I got the 250GB, dual interface model and so far it has been wonderful. At 250gb, it has plenty of room to store my <ahref="http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/timemachine.html">Time Machine</a> backups as well as any extra files I (might) need on the road.</p>
<p>It's a really nice looking little unit: aluminum case (that matches my macbook pro), with it's own <em>heat sink</em>. It's quiet enough that I hardly notice it. <em>AND</em> it comes with it's very own leather carrying case.</p>