<p><ahref="http://www.mollom.com/"><imgsrc="http://walkah.net/sites/walkah.net/files/mollom-logo.gif"alt="Mollom"/></a>Dries finally took the <ahref="http://buytaert.net/mollom-my-content-monitoring-startup">wraps off</a> his <em>other</em> new Drupal related venture: <ahref="http://www.mollom.com/">Mollom</a>.</p>
<p>I've been amongst the beta testers on mollom (I'm uid #8!) for a long time now, here on this blog and with some other projects. I have to say, it's impressive. It's sort of like <ahref="http://akismet.com/">Akismet</a> but has some interesting goals that are slightly different. The key is in calling it "content monitoring" rather than just "spam blocking" (which it already does effectively). Think: high powered moderation tools - with network intelligence.</p>