I finally "re-launched" my blog last night, after tinkering for a few months. I'm now running (at the time of writing) <ahref="http://drupal.org/">Drupal 6.3</a>. More interesting, however, is that my site is almost entirely powered now by <ahref="http://drupal.org/project/views">Views 2</a>.
The biggest visible change is the home page. Inspired in part by <ahref="http://mezzoblue.com/">Dave Shea's</a> lovely blog, I wanted to make my front page shorter. So now, I'm displaying the latest full post, with 9 previous titles only. This is all done with views (using the awesome new "attachment" display type).
The other interesting bit is that I'm using the latest version of <ahref="http://drupal.org/project/twitter">twitter module</a> so that the "twitter" block on the right is actually views2 powered as well (and gets cached).