<p>The <ahref="http://association.drupal.org/">Drupal Association</a> had it's first annual General Assembly yesterday. Over the course of the 3 hour IRC marathon, we managed to add 11 new permanent members - four of whom were elected to Board positions - from a pool of 60 applicants (<ahref="http://association.drupal.org/node/153">full details</a>).</p>
<p>I'd like to publicly congratulate fellow Lullabots <ahref="http://www.lullabot.com/about/jeffeaton">Jeff Eaton</a> and <ahref="http://www.lullabot.com/about/addison_berry">Addison Berry</a>, long time <ahref="http://groups.drupal.org/">Drupal User Group</a> member <ahref="http://2bits.com/">Khalid Baheyeldin</a> and all the new members: Larry Garfield, Greg Knaddison, Michael E. Meyers, Naryan Newton, David Norman, Jacob Redding, Nedjo Rogers and Laura Scott. It's a great group of new faces and I'm excited to see what we're able to do in our 2nd year.</p>
<p>Personally, I decided to not run for a board position this year (although I went back and forth roughly 8,000 times), but I am looking forward to an active year with the new team. There is plenty to be done, so it's nice to have some extra hands on deck!</p>