imported posts
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layout: post
title: happy 1st week
created: 1031437785
permalink: blog/walkah/happy-1st-week
- camryn
so camryn is just over a week old... that means there are more pictures. she's a great baby, hardly ever cries. andrew loves her too.
speaking of andrew... i finally uploaded pictures of our camping trip as well. they're cute. we had a blast.
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oh. my. god.
created: 1042080745
permalink: blog/walkah/oh-my-god
- family
so... it looks like it's been a while. *ahem*
i just went through our digital pics from the past couple months and picked out some good ones to put up. and, like a good parent of two children. i picked 16 for andrew's section and 16 for camryn's. i'm pretty sure camryn wouldn't protest if it had been uneven. but i feel better inside this way.
otherwise, i've been busy, but we've made it one year deeper into this new millenium. rejoice.
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title: what? huh? new site?
created: 1048918620
permalink: blog/walkah/what-huh-new-site
- site
<p>ok... i've been really quiet again. but now i'm back and things have changed. i've redone my site as a <a href="">drupal</a> site. This means, amongst other things, that i have a decent way to maintain the site above and beyond my normal method. *hopefully* this will result in more frequent posts. but, more importantly, it means that i can take advantage of neat features that other people have written without re-writing them myself. as cool as it is to do that... i've got other things to do.</p>
<p>2 things that I haven't yet incorporated into drupal are:</p>
<li>my pictures... drupal has an "image" module... but converting things is more of a hassle that i'm into right now... but all the pictures are still available in the same old place (linked above)</li>
<li>my file downloads... since most of these are just symlinks to my actual config files, that's much easier for me to maintain outside of drupal.
<p>Long story short... come on in... heck sign up for an account... make comments... get involved. yay.</p>
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tax... er playoff season!
created: 1049945400
permalink: blog/walkah/tax-er-playoff-season
tags: []
so... it might be tax time, but tonight opened the nhl playoffs... and while my <a href="" target="_blank">team</a> lost to new jersey in their first game... my adopted <a href="" target="_blank">team</a> won.
and there was much rejoicing.
TOR 1 - PHI 0
BOS 0 - NJ 1
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title: i love this game
created: 1050631195
permalink: blog/walkah/i-love-this-game
- family
so, i had an awesome night last night. a new friend of ours was able to score gold tickets -- row 11!!! -- to last night's leafs / flyers game. we lost 3-2 in triple-OT ... which stunk. but what fun! and, since we were there for 2 games worth of hockey, i don't feel quite as bad about paying way too much :)
unfortunately, the bruins just finished their season's tailspin... getting eliminated by the devils :(
TOR 2 - PHI - 2
BOS 1 - NJ 4 :(
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last night... well... stunk
created: 1051124400
permalink: blog/walkah/last-night-well-stunk
- geek
the leafs lost. they didn't just lose... they got blown out. it was depressing, and now both of my teams are out. but, as if that wasn't bad enough, andrew was up several times during the night vomiting. he seems better today, though we kept him home from school. so last night sucked. but, at least it's over.
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chicken pox!
created: 1054216980
permalink: blog/walkah/chicken-pox
- geek
so, it's been a long time, and lots has happened but the big news this week is that andrew has the chicken pox. poor kid. the worst part is that he's got a bunch of stuff going on these days. he's missing a field trip today, he'll probably miss soccer next week, and then his uncle chad is coming to visit and his graduation is next thursday.
poor guy.
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chicken pox redux
created: 1055291160
permalink: blog/walkah/chicken-pox-redux
- family
so, now that andrew is done with chicken pox and back in school... guess who's covered in spots? yup. camryn's got the pox. but at least she's young enough that they don't seem to bother her... and she can't quite scratch them yet.
in other news... chad was up from atlanta on the weekend (with his new girlfriend raven). we had tons of fun. we even went to canada's wonderland for the first time in years. naturally, i totally forgot my camera, so the memories are entirely in our heads. neener neener. :p
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the ever-changing address
created: 1056125640
permalink: blog/walkah/the-ever-changing-address
- geek
so, i think i told everyone the saga i had with the town office about our house's address. long story short... sometime back last november the town of aurora decided that our house should have a different address. so they changed it. we're a corner lot, and they re-addressed based on the other street.
anyway, the big news is that after some nasty phone calls, a letter, and a lot of waiting our original address has been officially restored. yeah.
(p.s. the kids are all healthy again).
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some site fiddling
created: 1057514820
permalink: blog/walkah/some-site-fiddling
- site
so, i've been playing around with the site a little bit... playing some more with drupal, and re-arranging some other stuff. most notably, i've seperated my "files" and "gallery" stuff. they're available via links in the right-hand column... but also you can go directly to: <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a>.
(p.s. i also uploaded 2 - that's right 2! - new pictures from canada day)
(p.p.s. there's a list of my geek toys <a href="/title/toys">here</a>)
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happy birthday to me!
created: 1057936020
permalink: blog/walkah/happy-birthday-to-me
- geek
so, yesterday i turned 26... on what seemed to be a gloomy, rainy work day. they say patience is a virtue, well i just needed to wait yesterday. 'cause after work, sandi and i had a wonderful dinner - "grown-up time" - and she gave me new shoes! (i've had footwear issues for some time, so yes that is a big deal for me).
the other big news is that when we got home, i discovered that we actually *finally* had grass in our backyard! (it only took 14 months!) so now perhaps, i should take a set of completed house pictures.
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title: long time no see
created: 1061823967
permalink: blog/walkah/long-time-no-see
- geek
so, it's been well over a month. so much has happened... we've been to rockport and back. had a great trip despite the rain. there are pictures that will appear in the <a href="">gallery</a> at some point.
the big news, however, is that camryn has started to take steps on her own! she can do about 3 or 4 steps before collapsing in a fit of giggles in your arms. it's great fun.
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my oh my
created: 1063286460
permalink: blog/walkah/my-oh-my
- geek
where does the time go. jeez. since i last put anything here camryn has turned 1 and andrew is rapidly approaching his 6th (!!!!) birthday. not to mention the fact that i have a bunch of pictures that are still just sitting on the camera. problem with my big 256mb flash card is that i don't take enough pictures to need the room on the camera very often :P
oh well. i'll catch on to this whole blogging thing one day. not yet though apparently.
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blogtk too
created: 1063399620
permalink: blog/walkah/blogtk-too
tags: []
looks like there's another blog tool for GTK (also written in <a href="">python</a>). this one is: <a href="">BloGTK</a>. it's a bit different.... let's see if it works.
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trying out gnome-blog
created: 1063392360
permalink: blog/walkah/trying-out-gnome-blog
- site
<p>so, in an effort to increase my blogging production, i thought i'd try using a blogging utility. thinking at first that i'd probably write one myself (as a chance to play with <a href="">pygtk</a>), i thought i'd <a href="">google</a> for an existing one just in case. well, of course, one already exists. so this is my first post with <a href="">gnome-blog</a>.</p><p>
seems nice so far anyway...</p>
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gnome-blog cvs hacking
created: 1063654080
permalink: blog/walkah/gnome-blog-cvs-hacking
tags: []
<p>so i finally got <a href="">gnome-blog</a> working from CVS. i had some troubles at first because my box (running <a href="">debian</a>) was trying to use an older version of automake. however, i fixed this and now have things working properly.</p><p>
my next task is to tweak gnome-blog so that it works-for-me. one feature i'd like to see is editing of previous posts. but my first hack is to add title tags to the bloggerAPI module (since <a href="">drupal</a> groks those).</p><p>
consider this post a test.</p>
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joined the gallery team
created: 1064595335
permalink: blog/walkah/joined-the-gallery-team
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<p>so, last night (almost by fluke) i "officially" joined the <a href="">gallery</a> development team. gallery is software i use to manage <a href="">my pictures</a>. it's pretty cool, and they're (or should i say "we're") now working on the next version. to start i've offered to help however i can. but i may take on an installer and i'd also love to see gallery get an <a href="">xmlrpc</a> interface.</p><p>
i'll keep you posted as i go.</p>
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powerbook shipped
created: 1064933856
permalink: blog/walkah/powerbook-shipped
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<p>so as many of you may know... i've had a pretty long-standing lust for apple hardware. i also have never owned a laptop. well, recently i decided to kill two birds with one stone and order a <a href="">12" powerbook</a> from apple. well, i got a nice little surprise today when a shipping confirmation e-mail landed in my inbox along with a fedex tracking number :)</p><p>
i'm giddy with anticipation. also excited to be able to do all kinds of macosx hacking and perhaps play with linux-ppc. yay!!!</p>
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title: my powerbook
created: 1065190740
permalink: blog/walkah/my-powerbook
- mac os x
it's here. i can't believe it, but it's actually here. those of you that have listened for the past couple years as i droned on and on about how much i'd love to have a powerbook, well you won't have to endure it any longer! my laptop has arrived!
world... meet pollock.
hey, that reminds me, i need to re-instate my toy list... but i've got some real work to do first...
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title: hockey hockey hockey
created: 1065400680
permalink: blog/walkah/hockey-hockey-hockey
- family
andrew's second weekend of hockey is done. he still really likes it... and a 7:30am practice just doesn't bother him. today was "Opti-day" at the <a href="">aurora tigers</a> game, so we went to that. (all players from andrew's league got in free if wearning their jersey). tigers won 17-3, which i must admit is the biggest blow-out i can remember seeing in a hockey game.
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title: 2nd commit
created: 1066138380
permalink: blog/walkah/2nd-commit
- gallery
i *finally* commited to G2 for the second time this morning, this completing <a href="">this</a> task - multple item deletion. it's a minor fix, but i'm still kind of getting used to the coding styles, etc. of the project and, thus, taking my time. i've been given 2 new tasks though, so hopefully things should pick up a bit more on this front.
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title: saw phone booth
created: 1066138080
permalink: blog/walkah/saw-phone-booth
- movies
to close out our thanksgiving weekend, sandi and i watched <a href="">phone booth</a> last night. now, while i don't generally think anyone would care, i just want to formally recommend this flick. i really liked it. almost as much as <a href="">memento</a>.
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title: picture backlog
created: 1066417380
permalink: blog/walkah/picture-backlog
- family
so, i had a rather large backlog of pictures on the camera, but (sadly) not a lot of them turned out that well. :( i think i need to go back through the manual for my camera, because a lot of pics are coming out overexposed and/or blurry.
anyway the ones that were ok (and public) are up in the <a href="">gallery</a>.
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title: back to drupal
created: 1068845400
permalink: blog/walkah/back-to-drupal
- site
so, i've gone back to <a href="" target="_blank">drupal</a> for hosting my site. i'll probably keep it like this for a long time. it's too much work to convert back and forth :P
i've also been doing some drupal hacking lately, but more on that later...
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title: blogapi.module
created: 1069095600
permalink: blog/walkah/blogapi-module
- drupal
so, i mentioned i'd done some <a href="">drupal</a> hacking... well, following my 2nd commit of my first contributed module, <a href="">dries</a> added the module to the drupal core (check it out: <a href="">here</a>). the module replaced bloggerapi.module, and adds support for <a href="">MetaWeblog API</a> and some <a href="">Movable Type API</a> extensions (for things like categories, etc).
i feel all warm and fuzzy :)
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title: rss comics
created: 1069365660
permalink: blog/walkah/rss-comics
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i used to *really* like reading comics. and, while i know most comics are available online, actually browsing each comic site is a bit too time consuming... especially if you haven't bookmarked them well. (actually makes a sunday paper seem like a good idea). anyway, the online answer has arrived... you can subscribe to rss feeds for your favourite comics at using <a href="">tapestry</a>. this of course makes the most sense if you're using an RSS aggregator such as <a href="">NetNewsWire</a> (on Mac OSX) or <a href="">straw</a> for GNOME.
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title: sudden thoughts
created: 1070401740
permalink: blog/walkah/sudden-thoughts
tags: []
so, lately in my "spare" time (i.e. the wee hours of the morning), i've been helping my brother, chad, launch a little website he calls <a href="">sudden thoughts</a>.
for those of you who don't know, chad is a brilliant writer and a total music nerd. sudden thoughts is a showcase of both of these attributes. the site currently features cd reviews (focus on lesser-known jazz & hip-hop), in depth coverage of up and coming labels and a neat feature in which artists are contributing their own 'view from the trenches' - the first of which was contributed by <a href="">steve coleman</a>.
i encourage everyone to check it out!
<plug> i did all the design and coding behind the site using (of course) <a href="">drupal</a></plug> ;)
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title: all i want for christmas...
created: 1070563020
permalink: blog/walkah/all-i-want-for-christmas
- geek
... is one of <a href="">these</a>! anyone who has been over for a dinner party or otherwise at our house knows that I use a little old laptop to try and acheive the same thing with minimal success. since my entire music collection is digitized, i have long been looking for a way to take advantage of that fact in the rest of the house. well here it is... and it even supports wifi!
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title: safari color problems
created: 1070556480
permalink: blog/walkah/safari-color-problems
- mac os x
i came across something very odd recently while trying to futz my way around photohop. i was trying to create an image for a <a href="">site</a>, and thus was using the hex code from the site background for the image background. However, when the resulting image was viewed on a PC (with IE 6 or Mozilla) the colors did not match. after trying the same image with <a href="">the gimp</a>, the colors matched successfully on windows browsers (and even moz et. al on linux). *however*, they didn't match under safari (and still don't).
it appears that photoshop and safari (at least) seem to share some image rendering code that is applying some broken color "correction". the (not very) good news is that it appears i'm not the only one experiencing this... <a href="">here</a> is at least one other documented case.
if anyone knows of a fix/workaround/etc i'm all ears! (i've already tried other colorsync profiles in system prefs, and yes my display is set to millions of colors).
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title: hats off
created: 1070849280
permalink: blog/walkah/hats-off
- andrew
hat trick + 1 for andrew this morning! 4 goals! who knew?
it's been really, really fun to watch him fall in love with hockey, work his buns off trying to get better, and then seeing the results. i'm very, very proud.
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title: my first *drupal* bug
created: 1071029640
permalink: blog/walkah/my-first-drupal-bug
- drupal
so, my first drupal bug (one assigned to me anyway) has come and gone. <a href="">this bug</a> is now fixed. in doing so, <a href="">kjartan</a> and i came up with a couple other bugs or things otherwise needing fixing in the module.
the net result of all this is that i know have a (perhaps brief) renewed interest in xmlrpc based blogging. since my free trial of netnewswire (non-lite) has expired, and i wasn't crazy about it's blog posting inteface, i'm still on the hunt for a free (preferably as in speech, not beer) blogging tool for osx.
this post is brought to you by <a href="">kung log</a> :)
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title: i hate IE. i hate it a lot.
created: 1071187980
permalink: blog/walkah/i-hate-ie-i-hate-it-a-lot
- site
... on all platforms, all versions. over the past 24 hours, i have wasted waaaay too much time trying to fix and/or work around stupid stupid things that internet explorer does.
first off, there is the <a href="">often-discussed</a>, <a href="">frequently-worked-around</a> lack of support for transparent PNG images in IE on windows. silly me, in playing designer on <a href="">sudden thoughts</a>, i made some transparent pngs. they, of course, looked like crap in IE and have since been converted to .gifs :(
then, there is the idiotic CSS wonkiness that was breaking the otherwise elegant dropdown menus at sudden thoughts. (yes those menus are straight ul's - inspired by <a href="">this article</a>)
finally, <a href="">adrian</a> pointed out that my own site was broken in IE... since i'm not sure when. anyway, i redid the css to use all absolute positioning and IE seems to be happy for the moment.
god i wish everyone would just use <a href="">real</a> <a href="">browsers</a>.
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title: drupal_not_found
created: 1071611580
permalink: blog/walkah/drupal-not-found
- drupal
so, a little side effect of my changing my site around as much as i have is that there are some links out there in the wild that reference content that no longer exists. this is not the end of the world, but i typically like to keep track of them. (i.e. which pages aren't found). well, since sometime around drupal 4.2 there has been support for a feature known as 'clean urls' , which involves apache mod_rewrite, but essentially makes every requested path a valid one as far as apache is concerned. this means drupal should handle when requests are not found. and i wasn't the only one who <a href="">thought so</a>.
anyway, after much <a href="">back and forth</a> between myself and the other developers, i managed to get a patch into drupal core that rectifies this. what's even better is that in addition to sending a proper 404 header and logging the not found request in watchdog... you can also specify a custom 404 page.
thanks to <a href="">Dries</a> and <a href="">Kjartan</a> for accepting the patch and making sure it was sane. :)
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title: you rock
created: 1071611220
permalink: blog/walkah/you-rock
tags: []
this made me laugh out loud :)
<img src="" alt="you rock" />
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title: centralized rss
created: 1071674040
permalink: blog/walkah/centralized-rss
- geek
<a href="">alex king</a> has a really good idea on his blog about having an API for centralized rss feed subscriptions, etc. including tracking which articles have been read. i, for one, think this is a great idea. since i tend to move back and forth between computers (and operating systems), i've taken to doing most of my RSS reading with <a href="">NetNewsWire</a> on my powerbook.
this solution, however, would allow me to use <a href="">straw</a> more. which means i might be inclined to hack on it. hopefully this idea doesn't go the way of the dodo, and alex and <a href="">feedster</a> can work out a solution.
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title: school pictures
created: 1071930965
permalink: blog/walkah/school-pictures
- andrew
well, andrew is now on christmas holidays, but his teacher gave the parents a pretty neat gift. in addition to having the kids create and decorate cards for their parents, she also put together a cd full of pictures of the class that she'd taken throughout the first half of the year. now, for a geek like me i'd say that's a pretty cool idea. anyway, i've uploaded the ones that contain andrew to my <a href="">gallery</a>. it's like a sneak peek into his daily routine. kudos to his teacher.
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title: happy belated boxing day
created: 1072554900
permalink: blog/walkah/happy-belated-boxing-day
tags: []
i wasn't online much over the holidays... but now that we're beyond all that, i'm back at my desk momentarily (still in my pj's at 3pm). the whole christmas marathon has come and gone and was by all accounts a roaring success. as for me personally, i received probably the top 2 things on my personal wishlist: new hiking boots (from sandi) and an <a href="">iPod</a> from pat.
i must say, i'm a pretty happy camper... now back to dumping tunes onto the iPod :)
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title: happy belated new year
created: 1073355060
permalink: blog/walkah/happy-belated-new-year
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i'm just not quite on the ball with this whole blogging thing quite yet. reading around the web... there are actually people who posted new years wishes on new years day! well. it's the 5th and here's mine. i never really make new years resolutions... but i'm planning on 2004 being a big year for me personally. i'll probably post more specifically as i go.. but i intend to increase my involvement in various free software projects (particularly drupal and gallery to start), but i'd also like to really do some <a href="">gnome</a> hacking and write some software for my mac. i'm looking forward to having a great year with my family... it looks like we may even take our first *real* family vacation.
the dreams are big for 2004 :)
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title: big mac day
created: 1073498940
permalink: blog/walkah/big-mac-day
- mac os x
<p>so yesterday was apple's big <a href="">macworld</a> keynote by steve jobs... and for the first year, i actually watched it. i haven't sat through too many keynote-type industry things.. though i did see linus torvalds give one in person (which was cool), but i have to say... apple knows how to put on a show.</p>
<p>anyway, it's inspired me to add a quick little note to my apple category.</p>
<p>i finally broke down and ordered more ram from <a href="">crucial</a> a week ago or so. It arrived monday... and my powerbook is *much* happier.</p>
<p>i also want to post some thoughts on my <a href="">iPod</a> here, but overall i really love it. Too bad the new <a href="">iPod mini</a> isn't that impressive (or at least a bit cheaper).</p>
<p>what was cool about yesterday's keynote was the look at <a href="">vatech's cluster</a>.</p>
<p>i also thought the <a href="">iLife</a> updates looked promising.. but no more free iPhoto downloads sucks, though <a href="">Garageband</a> might actually make me fork over the $49usd anyway. :P</p>
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title: ooh a new toy
created: 1073601060
permalink: blog/walkah/ooh-a-new-toy
- geek
<p>so, a while back when <a href="">slimp3</a> released their 'squeezebox' i <a href="/node/view/29">said something here</a> about wanting one. well, i didn't get one, but that's ok because i just read that linksys has a <a href="">wireless dvd player</a> in the works... so this is like the other one, only it plays dvds and can even show my photos. plus, i've had fairly good luck with linksys stuff in the past (for soho shtuff).</p>
<p>i've become a <em>complete</em> geek toy consumer. how the hell did that happen? :P</p>
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title: in support of maildir
created: 1074014940
permalink: blog/walkah/in-support-of-maildir
- geek
<a href="">shaver</a> - i would definitely support the move to maildir (from mbox). i made the switch over a year ago (or was it two?) and have been very happy. the thing that killed mbox for me was locking... any imapd will lock the whole mbox file which means when i'd leave client running at home, i'd have to ssh in and kill it from work (read pain in the arse). i also find webmail a bit snappier with maildir (others even formally <a href="">benchmark</a> crap like that).
my current mailhosting setup (and i've rolled it out in a couple locations) consists of postfix, procmail (using maildir), courier-imap and spamassassin. works for me(tm).
however, as far as doing the conversion... i looked at a couple scripts but just ended up doing it by hand with mutt. i get nervous easily when messing with people's mail :P
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title: ecto blogging
created: 1074266640
permalink: blog/walkah/ecto-blogging
- geek
i think i may have found my new blogging tool of choice (for mac os x anyway). this post it brought to you by <a href="">ecto</a> ... the next generation of the now defunct 'kung log'. though it's still in beta, it looks promising. the UI is fairly pleasant, and it's already pretty chock full of features. it also appears to support metaWeblogAPI's file upload... so now i will have a non-windows way to test <a href="">this feature</a>.
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title: ski day!
created: 1074649140
permalink: blog/walkah/ski-day
- family
so, on very short, last-minute type notice, i ended up attending andrew's first ever ski trip today with his school. while i didn't end up skiing myself (rather spent the day manning the 'lift' and the line on the beginner hill) but andrew had an absolute blast. looks like we're gonna be hittin' the slopes on a semi-regular basis, if he has his way.
now, i just need to find a nice quiet hill with nobody on it to see if i can still remember how to ski :P i'm sure it's "just like riding a bike".
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title: translate_node.module
created: 1074873060
permalink: blog/walkah/translate-node-module
- drupal
so one of the main challenges in building 'canadian' websites is the whole 2 official national language thing. to add to the complexity, it is customary for government sites to have a language 'toggle' that takes you from any page to an identical page in the other language. so, i've written a small module to try and cope with this issue (so that node/view/$nid shows you the appropriate translation based on your currently selected $locale value).
<a href="">translate_node.module</a> (although still a bit rough around the edges) in conjunction with core's locale.module can allow drupal-based sites to fulfill this requirement.
i also have a 'language toggle' patch that I'll be posting as well when i get the chance.
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title: fixed width design
created: 1075131900
permalink: blog/walkah/fixed-width-design
- site
so after reading some <a href="">fairly convincing articles</a> on <a href="">fixed width design</a>. i've decided to change this site to use a fixed width. it's supposed to improve readability. survey says?
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title: back to fluid
created: 1075394880
permalink: blog/walkah/back-to-fluid
- site
so, after briefly flirting with a fixed width design, i've got back a "fluid" layout for this site. thanks mainly to peter at <a href="">openflows</a> for some <a href="">good</a> <a href="">articles</a> on the merits of liquid layouts. i've personally come to the conclusion that both approaches have their own merits, and as usual it's a matter of fitting the design to the application. that said, this blog (imo) looks better liquid - too damned much white space otherwise. besides, not enough people read it to really make a difference ;)
as an interesting aside... i also dug up <a href="">this article</a> discussing "elastic" design (a sort of compromise). looks like an interesting 3rd party.
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title: mos def-inately
created: 1075500660
permalink: blog/walkah/mos-def-inately
- movies
so, it looks like (according to <a href="">this article</a>) one of my favourite <a href="">hip-hop artists turned actor</a> has been cast to play the role of ford in the upcoming disney remake of hitchhiker's guide.
perhaps i'll see it then. actually, i'd probably see it anyway... just so i could say how badly disney butchered it.
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title: orkut
created: 1075513440
permalink: blog/walkah/orkut
- geek
so, i finally took the plunge into the online social network phenomenon by getting invited to join <a href="">orkut</a> . honestly, i haven't paid much attention to this 'craze' ... but orkut is invite only, so now i feel important ;)
first impressions are - it's kind of addictive, though i'm not sure i get the real point and/or value... that said i've spent the last hour or more playing around with it :P
feel free to let me know (via comment here, or email, etc) if you're dying to be one of the elite :)
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title: what did i do?
created: 1075920540
permalink: blog/walkah/what-did-i-do
- mac os x
<p>for the first time in quite sometime (perhaps ever) i actually bought a piece of "shareware" (or otherwise low-cost software). i think having my powerbook is really starting to do odd things to my brain. anyway, the story is that my beta release of <a href="">ecto</a> expired (since the final version was released). *however* i didn't buy ecto. instead, i decided to buy <a href="">netnewswire</a> instead. why? well, because i've become completely addicted to reading a bunch of RSS feeds in the morning (it's replaced my previous habit of <a href="">slashdot reading</a>) and the full version of netnewswire also has a built-in blog poster (plus more options for news reading). so, i decided if i'm gonna buy something, might as well buy one that does both. </p>
<p>i do like some features of ecto and would recommend it for those interested. however, now that i'm a paying customer, i'll see if i can get netnewswire to bolster it's blog poster.</p>
<p>to the author of netnewswire: congrats on some mighty fine work!</p>
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title: itunes tricks
created: 1076031346
permalink: blog/walkah/itunes-tricks
- mac os x
<p>decided to checkout 2 things today to make my iTunes experience more pleasurable:
<li><a href="">mt-daapd</a> is a little daemon that implements the daapd protocol (used by iTunes sharing). what's so cool about this? it enables me to make my (rather extensive) audio library available automatically when my laptop is at home. i'd read <a href="">an article</a> on how to do this before, but mt-daapd was much simpler, they've got <a href="">debian</a> packages! :)</li>
<li>the other thing is a little utility called <a href="">clutter</a> it's a little app that shows your currently playing song (with some simple controls) in a small window. the other thing that's really cool about it, is it also displays the cover art for the song (fetched from amazon)</li>
now, i can enjoy my music that much better while working at home. now to actually get some work done ;)
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title: commuting tragedy
created: 1077118933
permalink: blog/walkah/commuting-tragedy
tags: []
<p>had a very unfortunate end to my workday yesterday. i was downtown, and as usual rode the <a href="">go train</a> home. as we were approaching the aurora station, our train suddenly came to a halt. there was little information given to us passengers on the train other than there had been a "railroad crossing accident".</p>
<p>looking through the headlines this morning, it appears "accident" was a typical official euphemism. in reality, <a href="">two people were killed</a>. i feel awful :(</p>
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title: walkah non bloggus
created: 1078764896
permalink: blog/walkah/walkah-non-bloggus
tags: []
<p>so, i've been *really* quiet here lately. it seems i've slipped back to my non-blogging ways which is funny because i have lots of news that i've been meaning to share. so, in my first post for march, i'd like to say that there will be several posts coming over the next couple days... but i'll probably post them all individually rather than one big long list.</p>
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title: starting in goal...
created: 1078885050
permalink: blog/walkah/starting-in-goal
- andrew
been a while since i gave an andrew hockey update. well, this past weekend marked his first foray into the fabulous world of goaltending. since his league is fundamentally about development, each kid gets a weekend to be goalie (with pads and everything). this past weekend was andrew's turn. i must say, he made me quite proud. he has good instincts in terms of positioning and was as aggressive as i've ever seen him in anything athletic. he even had an absolutely adorable, yet quite good stance. the best part, though, was that he absolutely loved it!
a chip off the old block i must say :) i haven't started a goalie equipment savings fund quite yet, however.
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title: walkah for hire
created: 1078865895
permalink: blog/walkah/walkah-for-hire
- geek
so, the first - and probably biggest - bit of news that i've neglected to post is that i am now officially self-employed. at the end of january (my god it's over a month now!) i left my <a href="">former job</a> to start my own company and pursue my own projects. most people that i know (and thus are reading this post) already know this, and know my full reasons for doing so. however, there are two other things that make it worth posting here (even if rather late in the game): first, some free advertising ;) but second, is i intend to keep a more current log of what i'm up to, and this will no doubt be a huge part of that.
so if you've got an interesting project, drop me a line. if you'd just like to be supportive, check out my amazon wishlist and/or paypal links... or i guess you could leave a friendly comment :)
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title: long time no gallery
created: 1079537462
permalink: blog/walkah/long-time-no-gallery
- gallery
so, it's not just my blog that gets neglected. it's also been over 3 months since i knocked off a <a href="">gallery</a> task. i've spent some time (a couple minutes here and there) getting familiar with the codebase all over again. G2 is gonna be a great product, there's a lot of really neat stuff going on in there. <a href="">the task</a> that i completed is fairly mundane, but it feels good to contribute to a great project. my hope is to start carving out more regular chunks of time to contribute. that way, i'll be able to take on some of the more interesting tasks.
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title: andrew's noggin
created: 1080235293
permalink: blog/walkah/andrews-noggin
- andrew
<p>so, if you pay attention here, you know what fun andrew's been having playing hockey this year (and how much fun i've had watching him). what you don't know, is that this past sunday, andrew went head first into the boards during his game.... hard.</p>
<p>he wasn't actually unconscious as far as we can tell and he remembers everything. we did the usual check his memory, check his pupils, etc. and he seemed to be fine. by later that afternoon, he seemed to be fully recovered (was playing and normally active and had no complaints of headaches).</p>
<p>yesterday, however, at school, he was complaining of headaches and his teacher sent him to the office to have his temperature taken. when we heard this, we decided perhaps we should get him to his doctor just to double check.</p>
<p>so this morning sandi took him - just to be careful, but assuming that he'd be given a clean bill of health and be on his way. well, apparently the doctor is pretty convinced that he indeed did sustain a "head injury" though she wouldn't commit to a concussion specifically (based on his answers to her questions) and has recommended that he not play hockey at least this weekend and that he stay home from school and avoid excess 'visual stimulation'.</p>
<p>needless to say, sandi and i are a bit more freaked out now. any pediatric head doctors out there? anything we should be particularly worried about long term?</p>
<p>sheesh :(</p>
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title: irssi proxy
created: 1080332145
permalink: blog/walkah/irssi-proxy
- geek
for a while now, i've been on a kick to move toward more graphical computing environments. i no longer use <a href="">mutt</a> to read my email on a regular basis and i even occasionally use osx finder or *gasp* nautilus under <a href="">gnome</a>. one thing i hadn't addressed yet was irc. i use irc a lot for co-ordinating with others on projects, etc. therefore, i like my irc to be 'always on'. this has meant using <a href="">irssi</a> inside <a href="">gnu screen</a>. for a while, i've been contemplating running an irc proxy so i can experiment with other gui irc clients. until i found this:
<a href="">irssi proxy</a>. this allows my currently running irssi + screen to simply act as a proxy for other clients. very cool!! so now, i've got the best of both worlds. check out xchat via irssi proxy:
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
you also may notice (from the screenshot) that i'm now running <a href="">fedora core 1</a> on my main workstation instead of <a href="">debian</a>. more on that later...
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title: drupal 4.4 is out
created: 1080957955
permalink: blog/walkah/drupal-4-4-is-out
- drupal
<p>i didn't say anything about it yesterday, but dries managed to get <a href="">drupal 4.4</a> out the door. while chances are if you care, you didn't hear it here first, but it's pretty cool because 2 of "major changes" are my fault. specifically:
<li>Added support for the MetaWeblog API and MovableType extensions.</li>
<li>Refactored 404 (file not found) handling to support custom 404 pages.</li>
with any luck, by the time 4.5 (or maybe version 5?) gets out the door, I'll have contributed a lot more. but, hey... it's a start.</p>
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title: netjuke
created: 1080960254
permalink: blog/walkah/netjuke
- netjuke
<p>so, it would appear that they beat me to <a href="">the announcement</a>, but yes, i've "officially" joined another open source software project. <a href="">netjuke</a> is a really cool piece of software - web based audio management tool. but what's cooler is some of the things that are in store for the major rewrite that will be netjuke2. i've spent some time chatting lately with <a href="">blake</a> and he's got some great ideas.</p>
<p>so, watch this space for more news about that.</p>
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title: around the house
created: 1082040989
permalink: blog/walkah/around-the-house
- family
so, been a while, but here's a rough update of what's been going on around the house:
i should start, i guess, by mentioning here (since i haven't yet) that we semi-recently finished our basement - giving us lots of extra space. i'm _really_ happy with how it turned out and have to give serious praise to our friend Dan that did most of the construction. amongst other things, it means i now have a really nice space down there for my office. i can officially geek out without offending too many visitors. i'm also in the midst of creating a 'server room' in the storage space by the furnace... that should provide some bloggable experiences, so stay tuned. at the very least, i should be able to put up some pretty geeky pics of it all ;)
so, with the basement project out of the way, we've gotten the itch to tackle some other things around the house. as i speak, our first floor is being painted. next .. we may even buy furniture! who knows.
as for the kids - andrew's hockey season is done, and he's all signed up for soccer. since i haven't in a while, i should publicly proclaim just how proud i was of andrew in his first year of hockey - even his coaches agreed he was likely most improved on his team. watching him really love something and work so hard at it and have so much fun was really awesome. i finally got him signed up for soccer for the summer, so that's next.
one other andrew note, earlier this week he lost 2 teeth in one day... just when the gaps from his previous tooth loss were nearly filled! for those of you playing along at home - that's 6 baby teeth gone.
as for camryn, she continues to grow and grow. and, finally, she's starting to get teeth almost as fast as andrew is losing them. her 4 canine teeth have been taking their sweet time to come down, but one has officially broken and the other three are well on their way. otherwise, she's doing her best to get into as much trouble as possible - we've had to put away the ladder for andrew's bunk bed since she decided she likes playing on the top bunk too!
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title: ecto redux
created: 1082067464
permalink: blog/walkah/ecto-redux
- drupal
so, i was contacted the other night by <a href="">adriaan tijsseling</a> , the author of the <a href="">aforementioned</a> <a href="">ecto</a> - a stellar blogging app for os x. he reported a <a href="">small bug</a> in drupal's blogapi.module (which i've since fixed).
however, it's also led me to revisit using ecto for blogging... and as you can see by today's flurry of posts - i'm liking it a lot. :) congrats to adriaan on a great bit of software - i highly recommend it!
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title: menus have landed
created: 1082062935
permalink: blog/walkah/menus-have-landed
- drupal
well, super congrats to <a href="">jonbob</a> for finally sneaking his menu stuff into drupal cvs. i've just played with it for a bit (briefly) and it's very flexible. i like it a lot. it not only lets you fiddle with the default 'navigation' menu, but allows you to define completely custom menus.
i'm gonna keep playing with it, but it should be able to easily do custom layouts for completely admin-configurable menus and navigation (and sitemaps, etc)! :)
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title: feeling tweaky
created: 1082168701
permalink: blog/walkah/feeling-tweaky
- site
so, as part of my little posting flurry, i spent some time actually looking at my site. frankly, i don't totally dig it. so, i've been playing around here and there trying to make it look cooler. how am i doing? :)
i did add some funky little status indicators for my IM accounts (over there --->). they actually work too. when they're grey i'm offline, otherwise i'm online. feel free to say 'hi'. the aim status trick i picked up from <a href="">deanspace</a>. the jabber status is <a href="">edgar the status bot</a>.
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title: why me?
created: 1082425382
permalink: blog/walkah/why-me
tags: []
<a href="">it's official</a>. the bruins have completely blown it. this is what sucks about being a bruins fans. it's years like these. twice in three years to the $*#@)#(# canadiens. *sob*
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title: shopping by committee
created: 1082775281
permalink: blog/walkah/shopping-by-committee
- geek
so, i hate <a href="">my cell phone</a>. ok, "hate" is a strong word. but, i would like to at least be able to talk on my cell phone from my new basement office. i also completely dislike flip phones as it turns out. so, i want a new phone. but, i want a good one. sure, the p800/900's are nice and all, but not really my price range. so, i've casually been looking at alternatives. that's when i stumbled across the <a href="">sony ericsson t616</a>. i like that it has bluetooth (have i mentioned i _really_ want a bluetooth gadget to play with my powerbook?), is iSync compatible, is *not* a flip phone, and even has a camera (so i could <a href="">moblog</a> 'n' stuff). The best part, though, is that it's a fraction of the cost of a p800. but, what i'd really like to know is... anyone out there used or know of anyone who uses this phone? got a similar one you would recommend instead? care to donate a cool gadget? ;)
please leave word :)
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created: 1083871283
permalink: blog/walkah/drupal-world-domination-com
- drupal
man, it's been a crazy couple of weeks. there are some really <a href="">interesting</a> <a href="">projects</a> (and a couple others that i can't yet link to) out there that are committing to <a href="">drupal</a> . the really exciting part is that, for whatever reason, <a href="">some people</a> have decided that i'm a <a href="">drupal god</a>. well, i'm completely flattered (though, the real deity in the drupal world is certainly still <a href="">dries</a>). the end result has been getting to meet lots of interesting people and it looks like i'll be working on lots of very exciting projects moving forward.
i'm pretty excited. i've really enjoyed getting involved in the drupal community, there are some outstanding folks involved, and the future is very bright. yay!
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title: thunderbird
created: 1084323156
permalink: blog/walkah/thunderbird
- geek
after reading <a href="">mark pilgrim's post</a> about software choices (as well as some recommendations from <a href="">others</a>), i decided to give <a href="">thunderbird 0.6</a> a go on my powerbook. i already use IMAP for all of my mail, so i regularly switch between clients when moving between platforms. however, my ideal would be to have a cross-platform set of tools that i can use. i already use <a href="">gnu emacs</a> on osx and linux and recently started using <a href="">firefox</a> exclusively. so far i feel pretty good about the switch. the things i really like so far are:
<li>message labels. i've already started to use 'important' and 'todo' extensively, and being able to quickly limit my view to all 'todo' messages is great.</li>
<li>next unread. i can't believe doesn't do this... but it doesn't. hitting 'n' to go between messages is almost as easy as <a href="">mutt</a> ;) </li>
<li>signatures from file. this is a big advantage over most gui mail clients, since i keep my config files typically in <a href="">cvs</a>, i can then keep my .sig there as well and thunderbird will always use the current one.</li>
<li>offline ldap. i haven't used it yet, but i'm _totally_ gonna set up an ldap address book again now just to use it (syncing ldap for on the road with the powerbook would rock</li>
i can also honestly say, i don't have any real complaints yet. it's not quite as snappy as on osx, and there have been a couple odd crashes, but otherwise pretty impressive for a 0.6 version. if you move between operating systems, i'd recommend it.
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title: movabletype getting people moving?
created: 1084485897
permalink: blog/walkah/movabletype-getting-people-moving
- drupal
timing is everything. yes, i'm not the first to report it, but yes <a href="">six apart</a> is playing around with their licensing for <a href="">movable type</a>. while they've never really been about 'free software' it's clear that this move has and will <a href="">alienate some people</a>.
now, i don't use movabletype myself for anything, but i am interested in <a href="">drupal</a> as a blogging tool (thus my work on <a href="">blogapi.module</a>, etc). and, while it is soooo much more than just a blogging tool, drupal may be a good choice for those of you looking for an free, open source alternative (you <a href="">would not</a> <a href="">be alone</a>).
*ahem* <a href="">here we come </a>*ahem* ;)
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title: new phone
created: 1084514137
permalink: blog/walkah/new-phone
- geek
well, i took the plunge. thanks for <a href="">the feedback</a> guys. i got a t616. all i can say is : "cool". i'm by no means a veteran in the whole cell phone scene. i haven't had all the cool phones. but, i like this one a lot (granted, my old phone sucked which has lowered my expectations). i love that my connections seem to be clearer, it's _not_ a flip phone, and most of all.... bluetooth! my first iSync over bluetooth was a wonderful experience - worth the price of admission.
perhaps tomorrow i'll play with the built-in camera a bit :)
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title: baby noah
created: 1084844782
permalink: blog/walkah/baby-noah
- family
just getting around to it now... but last friday (the 14th) i became an uncle again. spent saturday in cambridge to meet my new baby nephew noah. he was born may 14 at 2:36pm - 8lbs 3oz. he's a cutie, but i'll let you judge for yourself - <a href="">check out the pics</a>.
camryn absolutely loves the idea of having a baby in the family. she was beside herself with excitement when she got to see him. she was still talking about him most of the day yesterday. she's starting to string words together, and sums it up with "baby no-yah mall" (baby noah small) - complete with adorable little hand gestures. :)
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title: netjuke / drupal synergy
created: 1084943882
permalink: blog/walkah/netjuke-/-drupal-synergy
- drupal
- netjuke
after a semi-long hiatus activity in the <a href="">netjuke</a> world is picking up again. we (rather mostly blake) got a new server and migrated the site and a bunch of other stuff to it... and since it runs <a href="">gentoo</a> it took 4 weeks to compile everything ;)
my most recent contribution, however, is to get <a href=""></a> up and running using ... you guessed it... <a href="">drupal</a>. so far the guys are digging it.. and blake has entered about <a href="">4,000 tasks</a>. time to get crackin'!
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title: flash 7 for linux
created: 1085770607
permalink: blog/walkah/flash-7-for-linux
- linux
so, if you use linux on your desktop (as i do) and frequent sites that use a lot of flash (as i do), then you'd probably be happy to know (as i was) that macromedia released <a href="">flash player 7 for linux</a> yesterday. so, since i am currently running <a href="">fedora core 2</a> on my desktop i ran over and grabbed the <a href="">new rpms</a>.
all i can say is performance is <strong>much</strong> better!
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title: drupaldocs
created: 1086229776
permalink: blog/walkah/drupaldocs
- drupal
if you happen to be a drupal <a href="">module developer</a> or <a href="">theme designer</a>, here's some good news: <a href="">neil</a> and <a href="">kjartan</a> have hooked up to create <a href=""></a> (our own take on <a href=""></a>). i've been playing around with it... it's pretty darned handy. i even set up a quick little <a href="">bookmarklet</a>.
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title: shiny newMediaObject()
created: 1086377251
permalink: blog/walkah/shiny-newmediaobject
- drupal
<img src="" alt="me from my t616" align="right" />after a fair bit of delay, i've finally implemented metaWeblog.newMediaObject() in drupal's blogapi.module, and <a href="">Kjartan</a> was nice enough to commit the patch for me. now i won't have to look at <a href="">this nagging little issue</a> anymore, and can move on to add some other functionality. it also means that, when using great tools like <a href="">ecto</a>, you can upload pictures and stuff directly (ecto even has iPhoto support!).
in the interest of killing two birds with one stone, i've also uploaded a sample picture from my <a href="">new phone</a>. so, that's me.. in my basement office. right on.
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title: teeth, shrek and other tidbits
created: 1087260050
permalink: blog/walkah/teeth-shrek-and-other-tidbits
- family
haven't done a good family update for a while (trying to scare people off with all the geek talk), but here goes:
sometime last week (and i'm not even going to try to remember which day) andrew lost his 8th tooth (8th!!). he's now sporting a nice gap all around his 4 adult teeth (2 top and 2 bottom). and, since andrew lost a tooth, camryn had to get a new one... she's now (finally!) got all of her teeth.
since we had our first grey day of the spring, sandi and i left camryn with gramma for her nap and took andrew to see <a href="" title="shrek 2">shrek 2</a>. it was fantastic - i actually laughed out loud (which i also did <a href="" title="nemo">nemo</a>). it's nice to see that dreamworks is doing their part to keep pixar on their toes :)
otherwise, andrew's got a week left at school, soccer season has started, and everyone is doing just fine.
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title: firefox 0.9
created: 1087311241
permalink: blog/walkah/firefox-0-9
- geek
so, since i recently did a thing about my new <a href="">favorite mail client</a>, so i think it's only fair that i mention my <a href="">favorite web browser</a>. as i write this i'm downloading the new 0.9 version, and i must say (based on the 0.9RC) it's getting harder and harder to even consider using other browsers. here's a short list of 'must have' extensions (at least if you work on the web):
<li><a href="">web developer</a> has tools and tricks for all your web development needs. html/css validation, cookie viewers, plus lots of tricks for viewing form field names, class/id names, etc - i do much less "viewing source" now.</li>
<li><a href="">tabbrowser extensions</a> allows you to re-order tabs via drag and drop, and run firefox in 'single window mode' (plus a whole lot of other stuff i don't use as much).</li>
<li><a href="">bugmenot</a> is my newest 'must have'. whenever you hit a site that requires 'free registration' to continue (e.g. the new york times), you can just right-click and choose 'bug me not' and a window will pop up with a username / password for the site to save you some time. pretty handy</li>
one of the coolest new features for the 0.9 release is that you can now check for new releases from the extensions window, so that you've always got the latest and greatest. right on.
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title: sellout
created: 1087411441
permalink: blog/walkah/sellout
- site
so, i've totally sold out. you probably didn't notice but there are now google ads.. yes ADS! ... in the right column of this fine site. why? well... 'cause i wanted to see what <a href="">google adsense</a> was like. call it research. call me a sellout. do whatcha like. just click on the links, please ;)
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title: drupal t-shirts
created: 1087505724
permalink: blog/walkah/drupal-t-shirts
- drupal
michael "jibbajabba" angeles just <a href="">posted some images</a> to be used (potentially) as drupal t-shirts. personally, i like the top image the best. i want one!
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title: meet audrey
created: 1087507600
permalink: blog/walkah/meet-audrey
- audrey
<img src="" height="133" width="200" alt="DCP_1390" align="right" />quite some time ago, i came into the possession of a 3com audrey. for those of you that have never heard of an audrey: audrey is a failed "internet appliance" discontinued by 3com a couple years ago. full specs on audrey can be seen <a href="">here</a>. the cool part about these gadget, is that they run a stripped down version of <a href="">qnx</a> - and, as it turns out, they are <a href="">very hackable</a>.
so, i've finally set mine up and gone through <a href="">these instructions</a> to get a root shell. let the hacking begin!
my first task, is that i wanted to use audrey as a digital photo frame - i.e. have it rotate through a bunch of my digital images (stored on my fileserver). after some digging (and disappointment that many projects seem to have disappeared), i came across <a href="">this site</a>. after some struggling with it (thanks for your help alex!) i managed to get it working the way i wanted. you can almost see the results in the attached photo.
i'll continue to log any further hacks <a href="/taxonomy/page/or/15">here</a>.
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title: gallery dogfood
created: 1088523311
permalink: blog/walkah/gallery-dogfood
- gallery
so, i've been really lax in my contributions to the gallery project... stemming largely from just being busy with other things. since none of my work centers around gallery (and probably wont in the near future), it has been hard to focus any real attention on helping get gallery2 out the door :(
to try and help motivate myself i've migrated <a href=""></a> to the pre-alpha, current version of G2. i figure this way, i'll be more motivated to get it working the way i like, and should dig up some bugs as well. if you notice anything wonky, please send me a note.
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title: yummy wwdc toys + jabber ichat?
created: 1088538572
permalink: blog/walkah/yummy-wwdc-toys-jabber-ichat
- mac os x
i've not followed it too terribly closely, but poking around on <a href=""></a> now that WWDC is underway, reveals some yummy new goodies. first off... i would _really_ like for one of those yummy <a href="">23" monitors</a> to show up on my desk for my birthday (accompanied by a <a href="">dual g5</a> of course).
the interesting bit that i see is in the <a href="">tiger</a> preview. and, from my point of view, it's not <a href="">safari rss</a> - i <a href="">agree</a> that was semi-inevitable. the cool thing (i think) is that it would appear that the <a href=""> server piece</a> is shipping with a jabber server! does this mean that tiger's iChat AV will be jabber enabled? now _that_ could be a great boost for jabber adoption.
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title: gmail
created: 1088795888
permalink: blog/walkah/gmail
- geek
in my typical a-bit-too-late-to-the-party fashion, i actually broke down and accepted an offer for a <a href="">gmail</a> account (thanks <a href="">bharat</a>!). for those of you that don't know, gmail is google's free webmail service (boasting features like 1gb of free email space and google search power for your inbox). it's currently in beta - and (much like orkut) is still by invite only. i noticed today i happen to have a couple of said invites - feel free to drop me a line if you are interested.
oh, and of course, i am <a href=""></a> (duh).
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title: "\"if you are using IE, then the terrorists have already won\""
created: 1088795599
permalink: blog/walkah/if-you-are-using-ie-then-the-terrorists-have-already-won
- geek
for the geekier portion of my audience you will have already seen the news <a href="">here</a>, but to the rest of you: <a href="">U.S. Steers Consumers Away From IE</a>. that's right, the department of homeland security is advising folks to stop using microsoft's internet explorer. while it's been years since i used IE with any regularity (not actually running windows anywhere in my home), i know most of you do. stop it. stop it now.
allow me to just take this opportunity to recommend <a href="">firefox</a>:
<a href="" title="Get Firefox - Take Back the Web"><img src="" width="185" height="72" border="0" alt="Get Firefox"></a>
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title: safari gets contentEditable
created: 1088956478
permalink: blog/walkah/safari-gets-contenteditable
- drupal
- mac os x
noticed over at <a href="">surfin' safari</a> this morning that the new (presumably for <a href="">tiger</a>) version of webcore (the engine behind apple's safari web browser) will include support for contentEditable - which means that content management systems such as say <a href="">drupal</a> can offer <a href="">WYSIWYG HTML</a> editing inside the browser on safari. (functionality that already exists in firefox/mozilla and that other browser that some people use). more good news for the next version of mac os x. :)
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title: supporting artists
created: 1088962623
permalink: blog/walkah/supporting-artists
- music
- netjuke
it looks like <a href="">they might be giants</a> (of all people) have finally caught on to what (i think) is a positive step toward the future of music distribution. they've opened they're <em>own</em> music store. that's right. owned and operated by the artists. they're selling DRM-free mp3's of a couple albums online - directly.
<a href="">blake</a> and i have discussed a couple times, that this would be an awesome outlet for <a href="">netjuke</a>. i hope more and more artists will realize the power they can have with this approach (and i hope that netjuke becomes their platform of choice). it's been a long time since i've listened to any they might be giants... but i think i'll buy an album based on principle. :)
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title: "drupal made pretty :"
created: 1089299928
permalink: blog/walkah/drupal-made-pretty-terminus1525-ca
- drupal
- terminus1525
<p>i was digging through some old unread feeds when i came across <a href="">this post</a> over at it's rather flattering:</p>
<a href=""><img src="" height="90" width="90" alt="" class="left" /></a>
<blockquote>"terminus1525 is a Canadian collaborative work space for young emerging artists. It is perhaps the most visually stunning Drupal design I've seen so far."</blockquote>
<p>besides making me blush, michael's post made me realize a couple things:</p>
<p>first, i've never actually said anything here about my involvement with terminus. i'm the one that hacked and slashed <a href="">drupal</a> to pieces to make it look like that (i'm even <a href="">uid #1</a> ;) ). it is one of the more fun and challenging projects i've worked on, and i'm proud to say that i'm involved.</p>
<p>the other thing, though, is i must admit that i didn't actually have anything to do with the actual design of terminus. the real credit goes to the fine folks at <a href="">zincroe</a> (specifically <a href="">jason</a> and <a href="">luke</a>). they're pretty darned creative guys and fun to work with too :)</p>
<p>so, what are you waiting for? head over to <a href="">terminus</a>, sign up and post your art!</p>
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title: there's a winner in the family!
created: 1089425869
permalink: blog/walkah/theres-a-winner-in-the-family
- family
<a href="">chad</a> <a href="">won a contest</a>. i, for one, am glowing with pride.
i only wish i had _that_ much time on my hands too ;)
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title: gentoo
created: 1089666396
permalink: blog/walkah/gentoo
- linux
<a href=""><img src="" alt="my new gentoo desktop" class="right"/></a>so, for quite some time i've been on a bit of a quest to find my ideal linux distribution for <em>my</em> desktop (which, yes, i realize may or may not be the ideal linux desktop solution -- i tend to fall into the "power user" category). i'm a long time <a href="">debian</a> user and fan and don't envision using much else on servers (when i have the choice) for a long time to come. however, i've been fairly frustrated by some things with debian on the desktop for a while. specifically, even in unstable, packages tend to take a long time to get adopted (even if the software is deemed stable by the "vendor") and, while socially conscious, the licensing restrictions tend to leave out a fair bit of really useful applications.
so, after brief stops with various revisions of <a href="">redhat</a>/<a href="">fedora</a>, i finally decided to give <a href="">gentoo linux</a> a try. i must say, this is not aunt millie's distribution :)
one of my big reservations about trying gentoo had always been my fear of a 3 day lapse to get the system to a usable state. well, thanks to a stage3 live cd and the outstanding install instructions in the <a href="">gentoo handbook</a>, i was up and running in a single afternoon (and still worked on my powerbook for most of the afternoon).
it's been a couple weeks now, and i'm quite fond of gentoo on the desktop. apps are always current, so far emerge has "just worked" and there isn't an application that i use regularly that isn't available.
one thing that i really dig, is that there are "ebuilds" for a couple of the other distributions' artwork packages (notably redhat and <a href="">ximian</a>). one of the main reasons i kept trying fedora was because i really like the <a href="">bluecurve</a> theme. well, on gentoo it's a simple "<code>emerge redhat-artwork</code> " away.
i also get a wide array of j2sdk options, and there's even a package for <a href="">transgaming's</a> winex.
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title: ok. flickr rocks.
created: 1089923701
permalink: blog/walkah/ok-flickr-rocks
- geek
so, much like some <a href="">friends</a> of <a href="">mine</a>, i've been playing a bit with <a href="">flickr</a> lately. it's a really cool service, with lots of neat <a href="">flash</a>-based gizmos - but for those of you that don't know, essentially flickr is a place to store photos and share them with your friends and family.
what's really cool is it seems like they add new features almost faster than i can keep up with. you can include a feed of your latest flickr photos on your own site (as I've done over there -->). but another really cool trick is annotating pictures. to play around with it, i uploaded a random shot of my desk (with all my little geek toys on display - amongst the mess). well, almost as quickly as i'd gotten <a href="">this picture</a> online, <a href="">boris</a> had marked up all the interesting bits on my desk.
pretty sweet.
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title: state of the drupal
created: 1092336049
permalink: blog/walkah/state-of-the-drupal
- drupal
so, while i was away a *lot* happened with everyone's favourite <a href="">content management system</a>. it looks like version 4.5 is going to really be awesome! some of the really cool stuff that happened while i was away:
<li>node access : allows modules to restrict access to individual nodes</li>
<li>new locale.module : allows import/export of gettext .po files to greatly simplify translation (hear that <a href="">terminus</a> folks?)</li>
<li>plus, some work towards allowing multiple sites to run off a single drupal code base</li>
read more about what's coming in 4.5 <a href="">here</a>.
plus, just got it's <a href="">10,000th node</a>!!
i've got some things i'd like to sneak into 4.5 as well, so i'll get back to working on those now :)
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title: where's walkah?
created: 1092326017
permalink: blog/walkah/wheres-walkah
tags: []
i'm still here. sandi and i took the kids on a bit of a last minute, ad hoc vacation to my mom's place in <a href="">Rockport, MA</a>.
we had an absolutely awesome time! the weather was gorgeous and it felt really good to get away (as much as i could anyway). but, things were pretty hectic before we left so i didn't say anything here first or tell some people that i was going. so if you've been wondering where the heck i've been, that's where.
pictures are forthcoming, but first i've got a bunch of stuff to catch up on. welcome back, me.
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title: blogapi.module updates
created: 1092670140
permalink: blog/walkah/blogapi-module-updates
- drupal
so, i managed to squeak a big <a href="">blogapi.module patch</a> in just before the <a href="">4.5 code freeze</a>. essentially, this patch completes support for <a href="">movabletype's xmlrpc api</a>. now, i'm sure it won't completely please absolute MT purists, but i think it does a good job compromising the differences between movabletype and drupal and allows users to take full advantage of sweet clients like <a href="">ecto</a>.
i also really wanted to get this in for 4.5 because it allows you to take advantage of the new "input format" stuff that will be part of that release. that should at least make <a href="">jonas</a> happy :)
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title: ecto2 beta!
created: 1092832945
permalink: blog/walkah/ecto2-beta
- drupal
- mac os x
so, i woke up this morning to find an email from the amazing <a href="">Adriaan</a> with instructions on how to download and install the <a href="">beta version of ecto2</a>. i've been looking forward to this since i first read the announcement that it was coming. so, naturally, i've spent the last couple minutes downloading and playing around with the beta. my first impression: i love it!
i don't really maintain a lot of blogs (hell, i don't even really update this one regularly), but ecto2 might encourage me to maintain more. the "paradigm shift" towards multiple post editing is really nice. rather than launching directly into a new post window, you're faced with a list of recent posts from your various blogs (of course, other than this one, my list consists of test accounts for various drupal installs :P). you can then easily begin a new post for any of your blogs (and work on a couple at the same time).
overall, i really dig it! oh and it works perfectly with drupal (which is what i'm supposed to be testing ;) )
<em>[this post brought to you by <a href="">ecto 2.0b4</a>]</em>
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title: bryght guys, bryght future
created: 1093465364
permalink: blog/walkah/bryght-guys-bryght-future
- drupal
man, it seems like it's been a long time coming, but the wraps are finally off my newest venture: <a href="">Bryght</a>. as i am sure most of you already know, i am a <a href="">rockstar drupal developer</a>. well, a couple months ago, that status translated into my hooking up with <a href="">boris</a> and discussing the plans of a drupal mass-hosting service that <a href="">adrian</a> and i had been concocting. while we are still very much in "start up" mode, things are progressing quickly, and i am having a whole lot of fun working with the new gang. since all of our work is based on <a href="">drupal</a>, i've been able to work (nearly) full-time on everybody's favourite CMS (or is it CMF?) - and i'm looking forward to doing even more of that in the future.
i now officially have a <a href="">work blog</a> as well, so i'll keep my bryght-specific postings over there, but there will of course still be drupal-related posts here as well.
anyway, i encourage you all to head on over and check it out. we'd love feedback (and customers, of course!) ... and if you're a designer, do let us know ;)
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title: rush!
created: 1093463149
permalink: blog/walkah/rush
- music
so, i realize it's a couple days late... but on sunday chad and i took in the <a href="">rush's 30th anniversary tour</a> show at the molson amphitheatre. two words: it rocked. watching neil peart live always makes me regret that my drums are in storage. anyway, we had so damned much fun, we bought t-shirts. it's been over 10 years since i bought a concert t-shirt, it was that good. not bad for a bunch of old dudes.
if you like rush, and their coming to your town - check it out.
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title: geektool world clock
created: 1093536838
permalink: blog/walkah/geektool-world-clock
- mac os x
while this isn't directly <a href="">bryght</a> related, one of the things that we've been trying to adjust to is the fact that we span 3 time-zones - which makes coordinating our efforts tricky. i know that <a href="">adrian</a> bought a couple extra clocks to help himself keep track. i, however, am far too cheap for that, so i half-heartedly checked around for a platform-independent "world clock" tool. after some searching, i discovered a tool in debian called "<a href="">tzwatch</a>" - which turns out to just be a simple shell script that simply uses date(1). of course! if you set $TZ before calling date, that is the timezone used. after getting over feeling dumb, i threw the following into a little shell script:
TZ=Canada/Pacific date +"Vancouver: %I:%M %p %D"
TZ=Africa/Johanessburg date +"Africa: %I:%M %p %D"
so, i can now easily see the local time of my coworkers. however, i was reading <a href="">jonas' post</a> about <a href="">geektool</a> and thought "perfect". so i downloaded and installed geektool on my powerbook, and set it up to use my little "script". the result looks like this:
<img src="" height="61" width="295" alt="geektool-clock.jpg" title="geektool-clock.jpg" />
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title: more gmail invites
created: 1093918348
permalink: blog/walkah/more-gmail-invites
- geek
i've got 'em... who wants one? email your plea to <a href=""></a>.
<strong>UPDATE</strong>: I'm giving them to <a href="">spread firefox</a>.
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title: she's two!
created: 1093877096
permalink: blog/walkah/shes-two
- camryn
wow, it's hard to believe but our little baby is not much of a baby anymore. camryn turned 2 years old yesterday. "2" seems to be an emotional milestone (for parents anyway). no longer will we refer to camryn's age in months. she's now just 2.
on the bright side, she's as cute as ever, and her second birthday was really fun because she "gets it" now. she sang happy birthday to herself, blew out the candle, and tore threw presents like an old pro. pictures will be forthcoming - i promise!
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title: ecto2 beta goes public
created: 1094651987
permalink: blog/walkah/ecto2-beta-goes-public
- mac os x
i must say, if you own a mac and do any blogging, or have ever thought about it. i have to <strong>highly</strong> recommend you give the beta version of <a href="">ecto2</a> a try. the best has just gotten better.
i'm amongst the proud and privileged few who were allowed to give this program a try during it's closed beta period, and let me be (not quite) the first to say: it rocks. i mentioned <a href="">before</a> that i really like the shift to having a "command center" for your various blogs (I especially like this since i now have two "official" blogs) where you can view your recent posts, and then start a new post (much like an email client). this also allows editing more than one post at once. the other really cool new part is the "WYSIAWYG" editing - i joked with Adriaan when i first heard he was working on the feature that it'd be really nice for his "less geeky" users (i.e. those who don't speak fluent HTML), but having used the feature for a couple weeks now, i must admit i prefer it.
so, what are you waiting for? <a href="">go get it</a>.
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title: my first skype call
created: 1094782185
permalink: blog/walkah/my-first-skype-call
- geek
- mac os x
so, i'm certainly not the first to post about <a href="">skype</a>, nor the first to post about either their <a href="">linux beta</a> or their recently released <a href="">beta for mac os x</a>, however, i thought i'd jot down some first impressions since i finally had my first call. for those of you who have never heard of skype:
We’ve got a simple bit of software we want to give you. It’ll let you make free phone calls to your friends all over the world. And we don’t want any money for it. It’s free.
<br />
<br />You could think of us as the big, free Internet telephony company. We prefer to think of ourselves as a big group hug, even a present. Yes… that’s it… we’re a present… but without the ribbon.
so, since Toronto - Vancouver phone calls aren't cheap <a href="">roland</a> and i figured we'd give skype a shot for a discussion this afternoon (plus we were having firewall issues at some end with <a href="">iChat AV</a>).
how was it you ask? i must say, i was impressed. i'm not a VoIP/Internet telephony expert by *any* means (unlike <a href="">some people</a>), but i found the quality to be quite good. it wasn't perfect, but given the fact that my cell reception in the basement approaches 0, it was no worse than that. plus, i have an old headset (and i don't even remember why i have it), which i just plugged into my powerbook and it made for a nice handsfree experience (also unlike my cell).
the interface on the osx client is good too ... it doesn't feel like a windows app turned cocoa. i may well be using skype more in the future (though, i will say - i agree with boris that there should be an <a href="">open source alternative</a>).
oh, and if you care... my skype id is 'walkah' (surprise surprise)... so <a href="callto://walkah/">call me</a> :)
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