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post rocks 1114574795 blog/walkah/upcoming-org-rocks/

finally spent a little time another one of those "gotta have" social-y sites to emerge over the past : . i gotta say, i love it. it's got all the "must have" parts for today's sites : a RESTful API, event tagging and of course buddy lists (man, those FOAF guys might be on to something). I also dig that they've got iCal feeds too.

For those of you just in it to stalk me ... my page is here . Oh, and because I can't get through a post without it, there is (of course) already a drupal module in the works. I'll be checking that out for sure (but, of course if I enable it here - everyone will know how infrequently I leave the house).

oh, and... i just *had* to add the mike doughty show. ;)