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layout: post
title: OpenID at DemoCampToronto13
created: 1177360962
permalink: blog/walkah/openid-democamptoronto13/
- toronto
- democamp
- democamptoronto
- openid
<p>Tomorrow night I've volunteered to subject myself to the scorn and ridicule of the local <a href="http://barcamp.org/TorCamp">TorCamp</a> community by sticking out my neck and doing a demo at <a href="http://barcamp.org/DemoCampToronto13">DemoCampToronto13</a>. Actually, it was <a href="http://davidcrow.ca/article/1504/democamptoronto13-april-24-2007-630pm">this post</a> by David Crow that inspired me, specifically:</p>
And if I have to sit through a demonstration of a tag cloud or web login form, so help me.
<p>So, naturally, I'll be doing a presentation exclusively about login forms... and I'll probably throw in a tag cloud for laughs. As for the 6 questions, here's what to expect:</p>
<li><em>Have you attended a previous DemoCamp?</em> Yes. I've <a href="http://walkah.net/search/node/democamp">blogged</a> about my attendance in at least 7, 11 and 12... I'm pretty sure I was at others as well...</li>
<li><em>Who are you? Previous experience, what makes you qualified for us to listen to, etc.</em> I'm James. My qualifications: I'm currently the guy working on bringing <a href="http://openid.net/">OpenID</a> support to <a href="http://drupal.org/">Drupal core</a>. I've also been involved with "Identity2.0" implementations dating back to <a href="http://www.sxip.com/">SXIP's 1.0 protocol</a> back in 2004 or so. Most recently, I presented OpenID to the attendees of the <a href="http://2007.oscms-summit.org/">OSCMS summit</a> in Sunnyvale.</li>
<li><em>What does your product do?</em> Er, well my "product" is the better way to login (tm).</li>
<li><em>What hard problem, interesting insight, or cool feature will you be demonstrating?</em> Well, we're gonna look at eliminating the registration form from the internet and solving Identity2.0.</li>
<li><em>What are you hoping to get out of presenting?</em> Well, aside from the guaranteed love, respect and admiration of my peers - I'd like to raise OpenID awareness amongst local developers and inspire them to OpenID-enable their applications. I'd also like to gauge interest in doing something like an <a href="http://mashpit.pbwiki.com/MashPitOpenidVancouver">OpenID Mashpit</a> locally.</li>
<li><em>What does the community gain by hearing you present?</em> Hopefully a better idea (or initial awareness) of what OpenID is all about - what problems it solves (and what it doesn't) - and the inspiration to start using it for themselves and in their applications. That's right, all in 5 minutes.</li>
<p>There you have it. If you haven't yet, <a href="http://barcamp.org/DemoCampToronto13">sign up</a> and I'll see you there.</p>