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layout: post
title: DemoCampToronto16
created: 1196808940
permalink: blog/walkah/democamptoronto16/
- toronto
- democamptoronto
- torcamp
- democamptoronto16
<p>I finally made it out to another <a href="">DemoCampToronto</a> last night (my first since presenting back at <a href="">DemoCampToronto13</a>) and my first at the <a href="">Toronto Board of Trade</a>. I have to say, I'm continually amazed at how these events have continued to grow. Major congrats to the "stewards" (c'mon, guys, you're the organizers ... really) : <a href="">David</a>, <a href="">Jay</a>, <a href="">Joey</a>, <a href="">Leila</a> and <a href="">Greg</a>.</p>
<p>That said, the character of the event sure has changed... grown up? Sold out? Not sure. They're certainly *big*. There's lots of time spent on the sponsors (who's generosity I don't mean to belittle). There's little time for questions to the demo'ers. Few of the new people stuck around for drinks after the event <em>and</em> there were people in suits!?! Maybe I'm crazy, but perhaps the disruptive, un-conference events need to get disrupted?</p>
<p>There were some interesting demos/talks last night. My highlights were:</p>
<li><a href="">SlashID</a> : nice to see another Canadian identity startup. I have to admit, their demo wasn't great, but talking with Zeev afterwards was interesting. They took some pot-shots at <a href="">OpenID</a> which made for good debate. Enough to warrant a post of it's own... to be continued...</li>
<li><a href="">ShapeShop</a> (Ryan Schmidt) has a pretty awesome looking 3d modeling tool and was able to at least bring a laugh or two to otherwise well-behaved crowd.</li>
<li><a href="">Mark Kuznicki</a>: *rocked* the ignite format with <a href="">Co-creating the Creative City</a>. Good timing and good execution on a topic heavily laden in it's own jargon. I encourage you to check out his slides for all the missing info he wasn't able to get into his allotted 15 seconds per slide!</li>
<p>I will say, it was great to see everyone and it was really nice to not have to drive home afterwards ;) See y'all again in January (I hope).</p>