15 lines
913 B
15 lines
913 B
layout: post
title: drupal + gnome synergy
created: 1099007883
permalink: blog/walkah/drupal-gnome-synergy/
- drupal
- gnome
someone in #drupal-support pointed out today that <a href="http://gnomedesktop.org/">gnome desktop</a> has just migrated to drupal. i have to admit, this time i had nothing to do with it. however, despite entering the mac ghetto a year ago and loving it, the <a href="http://www.gnome.org/">gnome</a> project is one that i respect. and as a gnome user (on my linux desktop), i can say i welcome this new synergy (even if i have to update <a href="http://www.bloglines.com/">my feedreeder</a> to the new feed location).
also, judging from the <a href="http://gnomedesktop.org/node/2010">feedback from the announcement</a>, it looks like the gnome community is enjoying their early sip of the kool-aid (<a href="http://www.bmannconsulting.com/">hat tip</a>).