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layout: post
title: Vancouver PHP Conference Wrapup
created: 1171486354
permalink: blog/walkah/vancouver-php-conference-wrapup
- drupal
- php
- vancouver
- conference
- openid
<p>Yesterday marked the end of the <a href="">Vancouver PHP conference</a>, which was a lot of fun and went quite well (I thought). I led two sessions : one on <a href="">OpenID</a> (with Johnny Bufu from <a href="">SXIP</a>). For those who don't know, I've been working a lot lately on getting OpenID support into Drupal - and it was nice to demo some of that work. I also covered how to use <a href="">JanRain's</a> <a href="">PHP Library</a> to OpenID-enable your PHP app (check out the <a href="">slides here</a>).</p>
<p>I also led a session on beginning <a href="">Drupal</a> module development. Those of you who attended the DrupalCon in Brussels may remember this as the infamous <a href="">pants talk</a> - always a crowd pleaser ;)</p>
<p>Thanks a lot to the organizers and sponsors from Vancouver PHP, I had a great time. Oh, and a special thank to Shane from <a href="">ActiveState</a> - part of the speaker shwag package was a license to <a href="">Komodo IDE</a>. I've heard good things about the latest Komodo, can't wait to check it out.</p>