
16 lines
772 B

layout: post
title: ah, slashdot
created: 1117683462
permalink: blog/walkah/ah-slashdot
- geek
someone *please* explain to me why "<a href="">Longhorn Drops 'My' Prefixes</a>" is frontpage news...
i mean, it's one thing that <a href="">slashdot</a> doesn't do full-post RSS feeds or that they strip out all links (trying to eek every last advertising dollar). but, lately every post on slashdot worth reading is already in my <a href="">aggregator-of-the-week</a> (as a full post, usually). and now.... now i come home to this? what, am i to expect intriguing discussion in the comments?
sorry slashdot, it's been a fun ride...