16 lines
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16 lines
945 B
layout: post
title: praying to druplicon
created: 1114027147
permalink: blog/walkah/praying-to-druplicon
- drupal
so after months of slaving away on the vectors, <a href="http://www.acko.net/" title="Steven Wittens a.k.a. UnConeD">Steven</a> has finally dressed up <a href="http://www.buytaert.net/albums/drupal-conference-2005/1/" title="James Walker praying to druplicon">Dries' photo</a> of me from DrupalCon to look something like this:
<a href="http://walkah.net/files/walah.png" onclick="window.open('http://walkah.net/files/walah.png','popup','width=650,height=500,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=yes,left=0,top=0');return false"><img src="http://walkah.net/files/walah-tm.jpg" height="200" width="260" border="1" hspace="4" vspace="4" alt="Walah" /></a>
i don't know about you... but it made me laugh. looks like i've got a new avatar ;)