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layout: post
title: woke up in vancouver
created: 1139108125
permalink: blog/walkah/woke-vancouver
- drupal
- vancouver
- bryght
- moosecamp
- northernvoice
... only sort of sure how I got here. the last 4 or 6 weeks have been a bit personally chaotic - I'll leave it at that. all I know is I now find myself sitting at the illustrious <a href="">take5 cafe</a> (well, illustrious if you're <a href="">vancouver-based bryght guy</a>) with <a href="" title="Boris Mann">boris</a> and <a href="" title="Adrian Rossouw">adrian</a>.
I'm in town principally for <a href="">the Open Source CMS summit</a> where I'm moderating a session on <a href="">drupal's file api</a>. Then, of course, I'm sticking around for the <a href="">northern voice</a> conference and <a href="">moosecamp</a>.
we also happen to have a thing or two going on at <a href="">bryght</a>...
so, i'm here for just over a week. if you're amongst the people languishing in my inbox, my apologies. i'm digging myself back out of the hole that was January, you will likely hear from me soon.