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post Using Drupal or Look, Ma, I'm on Amazon! 1231513049 blog/walkah/using-drupal-or-look-ma-i039m-amazon

Using DrupalIn my usual heard-it-hear-last style... I was out to dinner this week with my friend, Phillip, who was apparently unaware that Lullabot had written a book(?!?) and I was one of the authors.

Well, for most of last year (plus) most of us over at lullabot spent sleepless nights putting together Using Drupal. It went to press in early December, and is indeed on amazon and even on shelves.

I'm personally pretty proud of the book. It's the first Drupal book by O'Reilly and the first to take a comprehensive look at building a "real" Drupal site with heavy emphasis on CCK, Views and the rest of drupal contrib.

I have to say, too, that O'Reilly was a lot of fun to work with. There's a reason they have a reputation for having the top tech books. If you missed it, @eaton and I did a live webcast with O'Reilly which was their biggest ever. Kool-aid for everyone!

If you don't have a copy yet, what's wrong with you? ;-)